FoL Feedback Thread

I think you are managing to confuse everyone to 100% right now :wink:

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If itā€™s written on the class card thread explicitly under the Unseen header and every unseen chat, I think thatā€™s probably enough
If thatā€™s really a problem, add it to the passives for MM and Ass

My brain is mostly fried, so thatā€™s the expectation for my memory atp :^)

YEAH but I guess everyone would like to get a good answer instead, this kind of answer doesnā€™t help anyone I think >.>

That sounds like it should be a perfectly satisfactory addition to the section, once itā€™s added :upside_down_face:

If only we had a mod who could actually edit those posts

The Mastermind and the Assassin has the ability to Suicide if absolutely necessary. This can only be done if all members of the Unseen agree to do so. If used inappropriately, it will be considered gamethrowing.

Yeah, if only.
And if only changes to fol balance arenā€™t made by a single person whoā€™s brain is fried at the moment.

Could you not throw shade
Itā€™s seriously not cool

Sorry, but you are checked as Cultseen, bud.
Itā€™s not shade, Iā€™m just speaking my mind, and that pretty directly.


It just becomes a little hard to work with you to help better the system if it feels like there is open hostility.
But thatā€™s a discussion that would be best saved for a different time.

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If you have problems with someone, itā€™s probably better to take them to DMs.

Alternatively track them down in real life and punch them in the face wearing a sufficiently covering mask.


The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - You are night immune to the first attack blocked by defend. For additional attacks blocked, you will die bypassing death immunity and healing.
Defend (Night) - Guard a target player, taking their place to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses :crown:
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

This wording should fix all interactions.


The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Debauchery (Night) - Force a player to target a second of your choice. You will only be seen visiting the first. This ability will fail should the target not visit a player or be the target of another redirection ability. - Infinite use
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy a player, and disable any death or occupy immunity they have for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Mind Control (Night) - Cast a spell that forces your target to target somebody of your choosing. You will only be seen visiting the first. This ability will fail should the target not visit a player or be the target of another redirection ability. - 3 uses

Possessorā€™s ability does not require the target to do anything, and as such does not need a description update


Defend (Night) - You will defend the target player tonight, giving your life instead of your targetā€™s life to kill their attacker. You, and anyone you kill, will be unhealable, also it bypasses deathimmunity. - Infinite uses :crown:

Maybe so?

Iā€™m not sure how that deals with night immunity givers
As in the knight gaining it

As far as I know, you shouldnā€™t be able to save the Knight from dying to their second successful defend in any way.

Of course the ability fails if your target doesnā€™t target a player, ye. Iā€™m not 100% sure why you shouldnā€™t be able to redirect non-visiting targetted abilities?
Also I disagree completely with the second part. How are you determining then which Drunk will be successful? Which Drunk are you processing first? Since when you are processing your first Drunk, thereā€™s no redirecting ability on that target yet. :eyes:

I agree.

You, and anyone you kill, will be unhealable, also it bypasses deathimmunity. - Infinite uses :crown:


You and anyone you kill will be unhealable

Iā€™m not sure how death immunity bypass sits with me since Sorc and Demon only have meh workarounds.
It doesnā€™t have any other important interactions since Alch bomb doesnā€™t exist, so it solely exists to sometimes kill nks.
Knight is also the strongest normal BD, and only gets stronger because the lack of traditional mechanical solving.

Ergo I think it would be best to shore up current interactions while not giving the knight any boons in return.
FoL 23 (I think) shows how strong knight can be.

Then Sorc and Demon should be buffed in this way.