FoL Feedback Thread

And then we balance off individual games and the cycle continues

Well I guess ToL helps here, at least you know by ToL how strong each power role is in practice (not only in theory).

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It helps add to the basic out line of balance

We already agreed that the current fol is somewhere around the basic balanced range, but we donā€™t know where

Well we can compare it at least to ToL.
I guess FoL is a lot more swingier than ToL, since games in ToL tend to go long, and itā€™s often not clear who will win til the end.
While we can end FoL games on D4, sometimes even on D3, since the outcome is clear.

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Itā€™s like flipping a coin. We can predict using numbers that the coin should always land 50-50 but in practice itā€™s always going to be favored one way or another

what we are missing in our calculations is player skill, which is basically an unsolvable X in the equation

How to reduce swingyness?
FoL might be so swingy because it relies so heavily on social deduction :thinking: would making the mechanical part stronger help here?

Social deduction doesnā€™t cause swing mechanics do

But what exactly in the FoL mechanics makes it so swingy?

I mean, itā€™s rolemadness, sureā€¦
and we even removed here some of the restrictions of ToL (like always having a healer)
But why is it so much swingier than ToL

Uhā€¦ would going back to max. 2 pro BD class help here?

Have we ever thought about fol being the same swingy game as tol but since itā€™s just longer phases + less games to go off of it seems more swingy

Itā€™s like flipping a coin 7 times and another coin 100 times.

The 7 one could be way more favored to one side while the 100 is ā€œSeemingly balancedā€

ToL swing factor is pushed down by a lack of entirely optimal play as a result of turbo
Also what FK said

Not really. FoL games are almost always ending fast (even when you add +1 day, because we end the games earlier). While ToL games mostly end late.
Whatā€™s the longest FoL we had in the last time?

We lynch every day they donā€™t

Hm, thatā€™s a point to consider, yes. ToL is not only turbo, it restricts day phases.

ToL is much more mechanic heavy wich allows to skip lynches sometimes

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itā€™s much less social deduction focused actually

Yeah, itā€™s pretty common for ToL matches to go until D4 before they actually have a lynch, and thereā€™s almost never a D2 lynch.

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Yeah most times we donā€™t execute on D2 and D3 in ToL.