FoL Feedback Thread

It’s this “information seeking” phase which gets jumped completely in FoL. We should think about FoL as there would be no D2 and D3, I guess.

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FoL games also tend to end earlier than they would in ToL because we modresolve games that town has legitimately no chance of winning, whereas the automated system doesn’t autoresolve things like ‘EK, 4 Cult and a Sellsword vs. a lone Princess’

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(it does, if you cut out the sellsword, since neuts are unreliable, but yeah I get what you mean.)

(that’s why the Sellsword was on there)

Also, yeah, the thing that was said earlier about ToLers not using actions optimally still applies, both in terms of ‘what’s actually a good use of the action’ and in terms of ‘what allows you to instantly mechanically confirm yourself’

you can mechanically confirm a CW and semi-confirm a Chronomancer without needing to actually predict who evils will target if you just coordinate it and no one ever does this, they just exe the Chrono because ‘Chrono is a common MM claim’


One thing which probably changes FoL a lot from ToL…
The class generation system. :thinking: I don’t know the exact numbers, but you know that some classes tend to be rarer than others.

Don’t be silly, Priestess, I personally spawn as Obs in like 10 percent of my games. :upside_down_face:

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I mean that works

Yeah, did you ever play massclaim games in ToL? It’s possible with streamer communities, I’ve played in a few. You had the claims of everyone on D2. These games were HEAVILY BD sided, evils had normally no chance at all.

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And they were really quick, normally they ended on D4 or so (sometimes we needed a bit time to catch the last convert, but eh, it could have been modresolved on D4).

Hm if we want to prolong FoL a bit, we could skip D1 completely and start with a night. But idk :eyes:

ToS classic massclaim

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On the flip side, you’ll have games in ToL that should be 100 percent winnable for some faction every time, and yet they manage to mess it up (see: winning as EK in a 2v1 against the Prince and the Mystic who had linked the Prince the previous night, which only Mystic can do in ToL)

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I played FoL in both 48 hours and 72 hours, what does feel better?
I tend a bit to 48 hours since 72 hours are a bit excessive in my feel.

I personally think 48h is better because it forces you to get things done more quickly and the game doesn’t drag out as much.
But hey I’m not any good at balancing, I’m just here to try and have fun.

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I like being more fast-paced and “not wanting to quicklynch” and just dragging out the game is sometimes boring.

eh IDK.

48/24 is my personal favorite

My SFoLs are usually 48/24s as I usually see two days being enough discussion. By then you should have enough information to make a decent judgment on a lynch and any more’s kind of excessive as I’d rather have flips before more discussion.

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The people that reply here will generally only answer 48 as they are active normally. Besides if you want to have a 48 hour day, just reach majority before that. It’s really up to the court. :man_shrugging: I personally prefer longer when I host, because 24 hour prods are tight to make and everyone has days, where they have real life stuff going on.

I don’t necessarily mean as player. I mean also as host, and also for balance reasons.