FoL Feedback Thread

Salt about what

Losing to NKs?


As an NK in an FoL match

the chances of you being fucked over are decent

you can fuck up your progression

Princess or Obvs can spot you

someone blocks you from killing your target


But even then

I view it as a role thats designed to create as much chaos as possible.

which makes NK fun.

Honestly I understand where Priestess is coming from here. If NK just kept losing, whenever you roll NK how would you personally feel? It wouldnā€™t be fun to play as youā€™d have a purpose just to balance the scales.

Yet at the same time I kinda understand where orange, Bli and other FoL players are coming from too. NK has served that kind of purpose in other places, just to balance the scales and it is more of a necessary evil than anything else.

I think we should continue to experiment. See what happens when NK winrate rises, then compare it to now. There is no harm to be had by trying things out and at the moment things are decent imo.


Looks like we need an EFoL or a regular FoL then lul.

@anon97870008 any personal opinions on what I have said here?
I think I am understanding your perspective correctly while also taking in the views of others.
Then concluding with my own.

Where do you want FoL to go? What steps would you take next?

As one of the FoL moderators, it is important to know your personal perspective and the perspective of the other individual members of the team.

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You understood me correctly, and you made the opinion of the others clear too. Good post!


Okay but legit tho

Anonymous poll

  • orange regularly makes suggestions borne from salt
  • orange regularly makes suggestions based on what he feels is best for the game

0 voters

If yā€™all actually think I just get salty I wanna know, donā€™t really care if you agree with my ideas just want to know where you think they come from

Honestly with you Orange sometimes it feels 50/50.
I cannot remember whether it was you or Ici or both who was actively against Fool and other classes like Fool.

So I wonā€™t vote in that poll as I think itā€™s a bit of both.

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In my defense

I have pulled three all-nighters in a row to get here and in the last 90 or so hours have slept for 4

I feel the arguments I have made against Fool were solidly logical and built on persuasive enough ground to actually enact change.

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For me it is important that you can have a chance as every class to win. Because I know how frustrating it is to roll a class and have no chance anyways. I wouldnā€™t blame anyone who is tactically replacing out in such a case.

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So from here, are you too wanting experimental changes, to see what it would be like with a different percentage compared to now? A higher winrate etc. Perhaps to try and change the meta of FoL?

SFoL18 2

Same. I donā€™t think orange is having bad intentions. But heā€™s 1. not playing the game, and 2. please donā€™t try to oppress other opinions :heart: . Try to explain why you have your opinion, orange.

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I will when I can think lol

Or have more than 2G super-slow outback internet and can instead just link other NK winrate arguments Iā€™ve made over the past 6 years

What does this even mean lol

wasnā€™t aware I was trying to :man_shrugging:

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some here and on ToS if anyone wants to do some easy digging

Iā€™m doing an overhaul of FoL right now, mostly for clarifying and less for changes, but yeah, some classes need urgent changes, to make them more winnableā€¦ aka Alch, in lesser degree other classes too.
I am asking here because I want to know why things were done and changes were made in comparison to ToL. I donā€™t want to accidentally take something important away.

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If I may make a suggestion Priestess, before posting your overhaul can you try and make a summary here so that way people can vote on them or at least provide their feedback on it before it is posted?

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