FoL Feedback Thread

I actually dont know what to think about that tbh.

Point is, here are the changes Iā€™d make.

A) Swap 2-for-1 for Frenzy.
B) Remove the NK.
C) Remove the Kingā€™s alignment from being randed.
D) Add in a third starting Cult/Unseen members.
E) Add Macho Prince


I mean, your logic makes a lot of sense, it reduces swing. But the problem here is that itā€™s literally D1 with 24 hours

Wouldnā€™t that only compensate main unseen/cult but for BD itā€™s the same

Either way, I kind of want to remove the King from being randed. It works on ToL because of game speed, but it has way too high an impact in FoL in to leave it to be randed.

Can we add D1 lynches

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Raise it to 48h.

Most villagery player by EoD1 should get it.


Removing NK pretty much means we would have to make changes to KP across the board in general, and even protectives will need changes.

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letā€™s do it itā€™s not like we have anything better to do

Agree with B
Disagree with D. There are other solutions

Interested by A/C

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Like, by 48h you should already have a decent starting out to your towncore due to how easy it is to read players here.

If we elect kings now, can we remove the punishment for executing them?


we could nerf Unseen, the scum faction that is mostly affected by swing and has a great amount of KP.

Thatā€™s only meant to stop people from lynching the king due to them having a bigger chance of rolling evil

Agree with this. Like, mislynching itself should be a punishment.


Wait are we legit deleting NK

I mean it was prob made to no kill king immideatly and then up conf GK but who knows

Read my post analyzing expected values for BD/Unseen
Just ISO me

New cult is slightly lower in kp than Unseen, but has more flexibility which I believe evens out

One of my main worries is mastermind being elected and executed and it punishing the unseen for something it canā€™t control, we should make it so if a mastermind is elected then the next unseen becomes mastermind