FoL Feedback Thread

Which one? Mine or Kyo’s?


The Scribe

Blue Dragon Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become Tsar count as two for you.
Reply (Day) - Reply to a player’s parchment message with the same selected words. - Infinite uses
Send Parchment (Night) - Give parchment to a player. Choose 30 words for them to use the next day phase. The words cannot be longer than 15 characters. The player may re-order the words to send a message to you. - Infinite uses
Patriotic Poetry (Night) - Select a player. If they have Royal Blood, a vote for them will be negated silently. You may target yourself. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Scribe

Blue Dragon Social
Dedication (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Messenger (Day) - Target two players, they will be able to send each other a single 1000-character message through the host tonight. – 1 use
Secret Letter (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000-character message through the host to a player. They will receive the message at the start of the night. – 2 uses
Copy (Night) - You will receive target player’s logs at the end of the night unless they have Royal Blood or their Class Type is Special. If the player did not have logs, you will not receive any feedback. Not usable until N3. – 3 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Looking at both of them again they are both pretty confirmable. Being able to tell someone their logs is like pretty confirmable and honestly idk how send parchment even works so I guess I take back my statement.

Yeah, that’s why I made it

U see I dont have eyes

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Both are just variations on Mystic, but more constrained in their form of communication, which you actually wouldn’t want, because that’s their entire shtick. I think if we should add anything social (I don’t think we do) we should add some kind of mason variant that is still mutually exclusive with Priest/Mystic spawning and has almost no power aside from being masons.

I just use abilities that already exist, or variations of them, because I’m not comfortable with creating entirely new abilities.

Social effects don’t work in semi-open setups without adding extremely arbitrary restrictions, unless you want them to be easily confirmable

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What class type was scribe?

They’re both Social.

Not trying to denounce your suggestions, just saying that adding them alongside current socials wouldn’t work too well in my opinion. They are rolled in absence of current socials in SFoL 00, so there they’d work well.

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I’m sorry I meant the class that could learn others abilities, for some reason I thought it was scribe

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Unless you want to reintroduce Squire as a social for some reason, it’s probably not happening

Squire is more of a support than social honestly.

Well that’s what I was asking what was his role type?

It was support.

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It doesn’t make sense but bleh