FoL Feedback Thread

Because it’s two different core rules you are merging for no apparent reason? Please explain why it’s better to merge them, from a balance perspective.

Makes it easier to keep day occs in check.

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Its clearer as everything is more consistent, it allows more unique classes to be made where some are only day occ and some are night occ immune if we choose to have it, and from a balance perspective it doesnt make balance that much different other than buffing certain classes to be stronger.

That’s my arbitrary glossary for rule key words.

Attack: An attack is an ability that will kill a player unless they are *death immune*. An attack can also be *healed*.
Bleeding: A bleeding player will die after two nights if they are not *healed*. This is caused by certain day abilities.
Class Type: Each class has a type, which is displayed in the class cards. The types are investigative, killer, offensive, social, special and support.
Conversion: The act of converting a Blue Dragon player to the Unseen or Cult. Their class will change to an evil variation of their original.
Conversion immune: Players who cannot be converted. This can be permament or temporary.
Death delay: A Chronomancer can delay deaths for two nights. Delayed deaths can be healed or blocked by deathimmunity.
Death immune: Players who cannot be killed at night (except by bleeding). This can be permanent or temporary.
Frame: A framed player will appear suspicious to Blue Dragon players investigating them (They appear as k/o Cultseen, or if they were already k/o, they will find them as s/i, and they appear as compatible with Cultseen and incompatible with BD. An Observer who follows a framed target will see them visiting a person who died that night, or else a random visit if no one died)
Heal: Healing a player will prevent their death and cure any bleeding.
Imprison: The Prince can imprison a player every night. They will not be able to use their abilities, and the Prince can anonymously communicate with them.
Conduit: The Mystic has the ability to link minds at night. Linked players are able to talk to each other.
Occupy: The act of preventing a player from using their ability at night. After being occupied or redirected 3 times, a player will become immune to both.
Occupy & Redirection Immune: Players who cannot be occupied or redirected. This can be permanent or temporary.
Redirect: The act of changing a player's target at night. After being occupied or redirected 3 times, a player will become immune to both.
Royal Blood: Classes with this passive have votes for them to become King count twice.
Silence: A silenced player is unable to use their abilities for the rest of the day.
Unique: If a class is unique, that means there can only be one alive at a time.

Not finished yet, so please don’t hit me with your newspaper :stuck_out_tongue:

Calling it an occupy means that things which interact with night occupies can also interact with day occupies.

This means that you can have Synergies happen more easily.

And if there is a specific ability or passive where this is an issue it’s very simple to simply specify a phase for that particular instance.

Otherwise we’d have to just stick “and silence” onto every single ability, and since the way silence works right now is balanced such that immunity to it is on the same classes as occupy immunity it is easier to make specified phases be the exception rather than occ immune classes being immune to it.

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Like attacking also needs a bit on knights.
Make sure scorned has its tamper.
Imprison should talk about the prevention of people targeting the person jailed. I dont know the exact rules on that but that’s a Geyde Solic Alice question
Silence should be a occupy but u know my beef on that
Otherwise from my skim it looks fine

Wdym? Which classes are interacting with Silence?
We can make a general exception for Prince, since he’s immune against every kind of occupation/redirection + bypass anyways, so he can be immune against Silence too.
But other than that… which classes do you want to be immune against Silence?

Does that affect Prince’s imprisonment?

That’s kinda the question… I’m not 100% sure if it’s better to make the Prince immune to Silence or not.

Well that is true that it can be interpreted that way we could change it to day cycle, but then do we change everything to the night cycle also. It’s a weird grey area

Spoiler alert

he already is

We dont need silence immunity we already have it

King and some NK’s,

Butler is also occ immune with a day ability.

Besides them only a handful of classes are both occ immune and have a day ability.

Those are just the ones who need it the most.

Do invests know they were day occupied?
Do you get granted occ immunity after 3 days of occupation?

Priestess, because of reduced feedback as well as it being a forum setup, making it a day occ actually works out, since you can still try to use your ability, but it will just be stopped on night start.


To be honest… with the current rules? NO HECKING IDEA

Butler/Servant, Scorned, Mastermind, Invoker and Prince have it too (might still be forgetting some)

Of those Mastermind would need it too, Invoker and Scorned have day occupies as their day ability so making them immune reduces potential APM situations and Prince is Prince

The Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Nightshade Wine (Day) - Poison The King, causing him to die tonight if not healed. The king will not be informed if he is poisoned. If The King is Good, you will commit suicide. - 1 use, available starting Day 2 :crown:
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight (Bypasses occupy immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm