FoL Feedback Thread

If you get occed on D1, on N1 and on D2, are you occimmune then?

I’ll clarify this interaction by specifying that after 3 NIGHT occ/red/jail, it is gained


When you do get occ immunity from that will it block silences?

It would, due to the wording

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But it’s an occupation, so by definition of occ, it should give you immunity.
So you want it to be the same, but not at the same time.
I think having it add to the immunity would add some extra depth to the game.

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I’ll think about it

Yeah… either we make Silence an own thing, or make it an occupy. Not a weird mix of both :slight_smile:

But w h y not

For Clarity, my friend.

I mean you can just write its effects

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Problem with Silence is that it works on Prince 5head

Solution, make Prince immune.

Add silence immunity to prince

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If that’s the only problem with normal Silence … then make Prince explicitely immune. Done.

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Why complicated if it there is an easy solution

Lonely kitten

Modern problems require modern solutions

Easier solution:delete prince

Eh, constructive suggestions :stuck_out_tongue:

Magical solutions are better tho