FoL Feedback Thread

'You cannot be occupied at night.'

Give Prince silence immunity. There are so much wording difficulties in his entire passive regarding day redirects ans day occupies.

Can Prince be dark runed?

Dark Rune (Day) - Choose a player. If that player uses an ability today they will target themselves with it. - 2 uses

Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.

Of course not. Dark Rune is a Redirection. Prince is immune against Redirection.

except wait, you literally can, thereā€™s precedent for it which you are literally aware of. If you want to explain why the wording is unclear, Iā€™m all for it, but why is it wrong that Prince can be fucked with at all, by literally only like 3 abilities?

Your personal opinions in honor, but the case is extremely clear. If you find any rules which are contradicting this, show them.

ā€¦please just no.

Oh? Well the symbols are confusing me each time, so I just used the tol ones. Sorry.

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How about we change the occ immunity part of the Princeā€™s passive to ā€˜You cannot be prevented from using your abilities, nor have your target changed, by any means, even those that would normally bypass immunitiesā€™?

That would be non-confusing and prevent all the weird edge cases we want to prevent.

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Notably, their redirection immunity can be bypassed due to wording
This is relevant for like no interactions, but itā€™s interestingā„¢

You cannot be occupied, redirected, or otherwise prevented from using your abilities.

Thatā€™s a clean and simple wording

Cannot means it canā€™t happen

yes but in SFoL39, which was broadly vanilla, Sketch jailed himself, and everybody agreed with the decision. Dark Rune can force you to jail yourself.

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How about ā€˜You cannot be occupied, redirected, or otherwise prevented from using your abilities, including by means that bypass immunity to such effectsā€™? As funny as it is, I donā€™t actually think Prince self-jailing makes sense from a balance perspective.

Cannot = cannot
Cannot =/= immune
Cannot = it cannot happen no matter the circumstances

I acknowledge that under current RAW you can have weird interactions along those lines, I just donā€™t think they make sense from a balance point of view.

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I think it does. There should at least be some counterplay against a claimed but protectable Prince, right?

Passive: You are Prince. You are a superior being.

Passive: You are oppressed by society.

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Strongman kills
Like just one of them would be enough without drastically changing balance

Passive: You are Prince, you are a superior being, oppressed by the society. You cannot be stopped from your actions by any means (except your own death).