FoL Feedback Thread

:man_shrugging: its like theres nothing stopping you from pardoning and voting out king but, like its dependent on what community/balance wants

GT Gladiate isā€¦wellā€¦to put it simplyā€¦bad.

Like, on paper, looks like a good idea, but when you realise it, you realise how bad it can be.

GT Gladiate:

EK Gladiates Prince, votes stay the same value and everything (So with 10 players, majority wonā€™t switch to 5 over 6). EK gets voted and killed easily or no one is lynched.

When is this happening btw

everyone is a revenant fol


The thing is that Mercenary is one of the only neutrals whose sphere of influence is more in hands of other players. If I get LHF 1 and LHF 2 as targets, itā€™d be good to have another way to win. This applies less to every other neutral. Inquis is about reading your targets and getting them lynched/attack them at night. Scorned can mark around freely. Fool/Warlock/SS are dependent on both neutral and evil factions. Mercenary just has 2. Becoming King should be a great bonus, so I donā€™t think itā€™s such a terrible king tbh. It was however designed by the previous team

You know how contract merc works, right?

No, I donā€™t, please enlighten me.

Then hereā€™s a change:

Bring Back Cowardly King


A single neutral thatā€™s not guaranteed to spawn doesnā€™t need 2 king cards. The important characteristics were fused to this.

merc is basically survivor but not

All scum are basically survivors except not. :stuck_out_tongue:

what I mean that merc has pretty much same problem as old alch


what did cowardly king do

I mean as LHF-ish I canā€™t really contest that :woman_shrugging:

Doublevoter survivor that punished town for killing it



Way better than ours :stuck_out_tongue:

