FoL Feedback Thread

I mean yes it affects balance but not KPN at all???

Extremely confused what you mean by this

Letā€™s say you are a guiltless knight: you could just CS each night until you make a mistake, then youā€™re vanilla.
But if you have guilt, you actually wonā€™t CS just ā€œon luckā€, at least in average you will CS a lot less. Aka, BD has less kills per night.

Ergo, if you remove guilt, youā€™ll have a higher BD kpn.

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Miscommunication here, weā€™re on the same page, nobody wants an every-night full-guiltless vig

However the idea is that in a perfect world killing a BD is the punishment for killing a BD

So suicide guilt is too extreme, disabling guilt is workable, but ideally we wouldnā€™t even need that

Hm? I only saw ā€œsuicideā€ as guilt

We have a high power setup, BD kpn is already too high, since all BD killers can kill already n1 :eyes: if you remove guilt, it would make the problem even worse
Archer is already a problem

So youā€™re arguing for suicide guilt

Yes, guilt is suicide guilt

Itā€™s a psychological thing

That statement is objectively false (guilt is not only suicide guilt), but I understand what your position is regardless.

And frankly I donā€™t see any upsides to making a Vigilante-type killer that turns one mistake into two that come anywhere close to overcoming the massive downside that is the monumental power shift after a misfire.

I think your problem is that Knight CS and Archer shots are not 1-shot, since 1-shot abilities arenā€™t really a thing for BD classes (with a few exceptions)
Either you have a 1-shot vig (which we donā€™t have) or you have a Knight, with a huge killing potential, but also a huge punishment if you kill the wrong person, both are around the same power level

ā€¦ or maybe we both should just shut up, and let the people do the balancing who actually play the game, sigh

I never mentioned 1-shot abilities and never meant to.

Yes you didnā€™t. But thatā€™s the alternative. If you want to have a (suicide) guiltless knight, youā€™ll have to make him one-shot, to not make the BD kpn higher


Guilt only activates if you misfire

Like the KPN is the same

This isnā€™t a theoretical discussionā€¦
letā€™s do it another way

letā€™s say you are a Knight, you could theoretically defend, which is 100% legit, but you trust your reads and think youā€™re about 70% or 80% sure someone is evil

What would you do as Knight with (suicide) guilt?
What would you do as Knight without guilt?

KPN is theoretical so by definition it is?

Iā€™m talking about the actual kills per nightā€¦ and I thought kpn should try to simulate this?

I think what sheā€™s arguing orange is that if you are 70% sure someone is evil you wonā€™t CS them if you are a guilt knight, but if you were gutless you were.