FoL Feedback Thread

no no no
the game presumes everybody playing it is at least competent enough not to make stupid shots at random
that’s the aim for forum balance

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1-shot no guilt is better than Infinite shot with guilt

Why do you think only good players are competent enough to not yolo kill?
Why do you think good players would be competent enough for that :thinking: (especially them like to yolo shoot because they trust their reads)

the truth is that yolo shooting isn’t bad if you’re actually justified in doing it
hero shots boys

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I think 2 or 3 shots no guilt is fair

And proud of it

For one, I’ll defo support the redirecting CS and Alch bomb cancels them thing

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It’s not
That’s absurdly strong

For real though current knight punishes one extreme of the player base and not the one you might think.

Bad players a significantly more likely to significantly harm their team with knight since they are much more likely to misfire.

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Bad players might know that their reads aren’t that good and they prefer to defend

Eh not too sure on this weaponising TKs is a mafia skill

good grief
mafia is a game about people doing outrageous bullshit
nothing’s going to stop people from firing shots recklessly, so we don’t try to stop them from doing it, but instead we make that not a way to instantly ruin a game

Bad players yolo CS all the time

I mean from a game ends on d3 perspective

As I said… we balance for the average player.

Imagine missing your singular shot how frustrating that would be not being able to make up for it

And it can stay a mafia skill by being townread over others who would get vigged.

It still functions as strong as an occupation.

This argument is why Priest was bulletproof early on for no reason a while back

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Part of playing scum is reading for TKs and using them against town.

Tho tbh on this site its so easy since Tks claim at the drop of a hat

I miss priest