FoL Feedback Thread

Neither does ‘oh its all everyone else’s I was mislynched’

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Taking personal responsibility is empowering.

I’m not saying everything is in your control, I’m saying a part is.

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I mean this in the more general sense btw, not really directed this at people’s plays in thread.

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No. Blaming yourself doesn’t help you
You know that you want to improve anyways

It is true, but this is a back and forth argument.

Okay, and that’s exactly what playing Town is in Forum Mafia.
You have to rely on other people and that is why Town is horrible to play.
Scum have an opposing force towards you and there is absolutely no way to get past it.
People are completely foreign to the idea that players actually have different playstyles, and go for an automatic lynch.

It’s also why I much prefer roles such as Chronomancer as I am able to carry the game myself with abilities to protect myself, others AND kill the scumteam.

Playing as Town is literally relying on other people and banking on the hope they have correct reads and able to see past the discrediting tactics of the scum.
That’s all it is. And all it ever will be.

Blaming others helps, because you don’t know that they wish to improve…?

Relying on others is the sole concept behind this game.
Not only do you do it as Town, but also scum.
I relied heavily on @anon97870008 making it to the final and being able to win for us during the turbo, and they succeeded. I sacrificed myself to allow them the opportunity to win it for us.

You, me, Eevee and htm managed to win in RRM. After I pulled those mislynches the plan was to rely on you two to finish the game for us. It’s unfortunate we won due to AFK.
My plan was to self-sacrifice for three town and rely on my scumteam to help me.

External power will always be a part of this game.
You cannot do everything yourself socially.

You don’t rely on them, you lead them. That’s the difference in mentality here. Active vs passive.

I can blame external factors just as easily as scum. I don’t see how that relates.

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This is a thread for feedback on game mechanics, not feedback on personal plays :thinking:


No. Blame noone. Bad plays are a part of the game.
Just try to improve like you can
And stand against the people who try to bully others into certain categories :wink:

You rely on other people to make the correct read.
There is no leadership behind this.
Just the faith that people actually are able to see.

So you’d take ownership of your victories and your part on it, but blame your team when you lose then?

I’m not insinuating you are, just arguing against the it’s other’s fault mentality.

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There is no ‘whole’ victory in this game unless you play absolutely perfectly.
Everyone has a responsibility. Succeeding in that responsibility is a victory for the person.

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You act like there is a mystical ‘council of elders’ who hate anyone who doesn’t post in the exact same style as they do


People need criticism to improve.

People need to recognize when it is their own fault so they can improve

For example, winning a CC as my sole responsibility at the end (with a declared loss) and I’d consider that a victory for me.
Losing a cc (as sole responsibity) and a declared win and I’d consider it a loss for me.

if you got mislynched, it’s not neccecarily your fault
unless you SPECIFICALLY got lynched for not trying
otherwise it’s really not your fault


People need constructive criticism
Not a simple “yeah you got mislynched, its your fault”

Exactly. I agree.
Unless you are gamethrowing and not playing towards a town win condition, it’s not your fault.
It’s the players who believed you were playing towards a scum motive when you weren’t.