FoL Feedback Thread

Give all NKs a claimvig


Hey while the subject is still somewhat about neutrals: Any chance we can get more official Neutral classes? With Alchemist gone to BD, that area can use a little love.

Disclaimer: I am a neut lover simply because I don’t wish to be responsible for anyone losing but myself.

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@eevee-sama @PoisonedSquid @Luxy

A couple quick changes that need to be made to the classcard thread, when one of you gets the chance:

  • All variations on the Allies ability should replace ‘three’ with ‘two’
  • GK should lose the text “If you are lynched, all members of the Blue Dragon will lose their Royal Blood passive.” from his passive
  • Mind Flayer symbols should have it be conversion immune rather than spawns-at-start

Thank you!!

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…GK had this ability?

He had it, it was removed, we accidentally added it back when making Allies a thing, and now it needs to be removed again.

I like the idea of a GK hang penalty - Why was it removed?

Are all of these changes official?
I already changed one of the symbols for the Mind Flayer, but I want verification so I don’t screw something up


losing a BD double voter is punishment enough imo

Why not?

That’s what Geyde said when I asked him and as far as I know he’s the one determining which ones are officially official

King isn’t a doublevoter any longer


You were in FoL 24, in which King was not a doublevoter


you almost became the king too

so is mystic just gonna remain as is, new king kinda invalidates mystic imo

Mystic changes are being discussed but we haven’t really decided on anything

Suggestions are welcome

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reconsider making king a mystic

but is mystic still fun by itself?