FoL Feedback Thread

That is a fair suggestion but I would appreciate thoughts on what it should be instead

He lost his doublevote because a doublevoter of random faction was too swingy

order execution

#Make allies 1 on 1

Helps EK solve and gives the ability power to EK

And it would help GK gather claims

I was playing the Mystic that time, remember? I see no issue.

Why is everyone talking about like itā€™s bad thing.

That Mystic like me were linking minds with someone who is not with Kingā€™s allies chat together from that said chat.

It doesnā€™t really mean anything.

The player from allies chat has no allegation to reveal what the linking minds person has said and can lie about that to the allies chat, likewise so can the linking minds person lie about it too.

So again I donā€™t see why you people are freaking out the mystic is still bad here.

Just because King has Allies doesnā€™t mean Mystic is FORCED to play with their terms by adding fourth trusted player for chat tonight, but can only rely on the other receiving end of Linking Minds to transmit that information?

Which cannot be trusted 100%

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nobodys saying that they are

mystic king feels redundant when mystic already exists though

king should be powerful, if being a double voter is considered too overpowered then thatā€™s fair, but i donā€™t think this is how king should be rebalanced

Wasnā€™t there talk about Mystic after FoL24 I am recalling?

iā€™m going to start doing more stuff




changing it to ā€˜Can be used alongside Warp Realityā€™ since telepathy was removed


I just got an insane idea

Make mystic more unique my making it a mechanics oracle

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Itā€™s an open setup

About What neuts/classes rolled