FoL Feedback Thread

lmao 90% lossrate don’t @ me

This is also inherently untrue fwiw

If I had to pick numbers off the top of my head

Town 45 percent winrate
Scum 40 percent winrate
NK 15 percent winrate

NK being 15 feels a little high for a forum setting but


Why should you, on average, lose more as scum than town?

You want to find a balance between winrates that are even and winrates that are proportional

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33% across the board.

You have an equal chance as any faction to win, on average. It can get mcuh higher if you play well.

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i feel like FoL-NK is way less likely to win than vanilla-SK because of mech hell

like vanilla-sk has it tough but great play can win it

FoL NK 70% of the time is killed because of a mech PoE or mech info that is hard to stop

That would be genuinely unfun

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no way should NK have 33 wtf


Imagine losing to one player 66% of the time


my NK winrate in ToL is above that

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Why should rolling Nk be the equivalent of “Fuck you, you’re not winning this”

Stats or it didn’t happen

Because it’s a tool meant to speed up the game and you rolled that

it should be “this is gonna be hard but satisfying if i pull it off”


Also it should still be possible to win

But as long as designers insist on using NK it will always be the short stick

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Unless you’re revenant, you aren’t winning as NK most of the time.


How would you feel if you entered a football game, but you only had a 40% of winning?

have you… ever heard of sports