FoL Feedback Thread

Muuu FM is not fun most of the time since I’m not good at reading and things and contributing and whatnot. I’m just a dead weight with a vote when I’m a Citizen and I can’t lie properly as evil so if FoL has Citizen I’ll just stop joining rather than ruining the fun for everyone.


Honestly you guys know what

Sorry to Dama but I’m gonna steal his post

Muuu FoL is not fun most of the time since I’m not good at enjoying games that are broken and one-sided. I’m just a lost cause with no claim when I’m scum and I can’t gamesolve properly as BD so if FM has Citizen I’ll just start joining that rather than ruining the fun for myself.

^kinda how I feel tbqh


Like where in the world is anybody’s drive to get better at the parts of FM that require skill

You don’t get that from avoiding it, you gain it from experience, and when it’s the entire point of the game I think it’s something literally all of us should always be trying to improve.

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but orange
how else will I be able to slank and just post shit memes and let the game win itself


i’m just saying that there’s no point in making a forum version of ToL without giving scum an actual chance of winning that they can reasonably exploit.

i hate to say it, but anyone who hates citizens seriously needs to get good at the game

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I knowww

I’m really bad at it

A balanced game is a fun game. I’ve literally only joined the last few FoLs because I believe in RNGesus and wanted some more free town wins.

I don’t think anyone is arguing for nothing to change though orange. Just that a lot of FoL players aren’t good/don’t enjoy pure scumreading so they want to fix the problem another way. Which I think is kinda fair honestly - they play ToL for the abilties and FoLs player base is super similar.


I think we should run an EFOL with it though, as I think people will enjoy being cit more than they think.

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but what about muh buttons

I’m seriously saying that saying Citizen is boring because you don’t have abiltiies is LITERALLY you saying that you don’t enjoy the game for 2/3rds of the time, becuase there’s no abiltiies for you to use.

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I say I like a lot of abilities

Why do you think my Werewolf setup has no villager at all

Lots of Abilties =/= Fun

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Citizen and Citizen esque roles are a last resort

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by the way, Semi-Open Rolemadness isn’t viable because it ALWAYS ends up with confirmability issues
in a closed rolemadness game no claim is an abosloute clear

Like for example, Illusionists wouldn’t be instantly spottable if they started as Illu’s in a closed game because there was not a speciic list of claims to match against.

in other words, the only viable solution is a group of classes that are literally impossible to confirm and there is a large, non-fixed amount of them without being 5000 1-shot trackers


You’ve proposed a challenge
Removing most of the FOL Roles will remove a lot of the identity of FOL
So it’s a last resort
We’re going to see if we can find another solution that works

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Like I said, you can add Citizens to FoL WITHOUT sacrificing the essence of FoL

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It’s still a last resort

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I’m not saying we REMOVE the FoL roles
I’m saying we add a citizen majority, and have them as actual power roles

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