FoL Feedback Thread

2f1 replaced with strongman kill (or alternatively if both targets selected are same player, it’s strongman)?
Erad targeting both same player could be strongman?

d1 prince claim being unhealthy is pretty valid, but macho prince possibly creates more swing

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I skimmed 26
I don’t think more neuts is the way to go

I think trying to manage cheese is more effective


I personally believe that the spirit of Prince/Jailor is the idea of being strong as long as your identity is unknown.

I’m not sure if Cult and Unseen should be given readily available strongmans, because that seems like a bit much. However, maybe the Prince should get weaker if they are known? I don’t know how, though. This is why I’m not trying to be a reviewer or moderator.

(I did do some work on Last Stand of the Virtuous, but it was because I loved the setup and I still do.)

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cheese being operative term for breaking strategies
ala ‘this player couldn’t be this since they were occupied while x happened’

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could do the arbiter thing and make them unhealable

In the case of my proposals, scum would be giving up an additional kill from 2f1 or an additional kill from erad to confirm the kill

My gut is just telling me it could be abused/broken in some way.

remove Feedback from invest

possibly killing nk would be unreasonable with it

18p to 15p


In that case it could just be ‘all forms of applied protection’

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Possibly work around with unassigned fk?

Seems like a stretch

What do you think about

Removing max class for non unique

Not against it

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modkill prince if they claim/soft

giving both scum factions a reliable strongman on prince is a decent start but i feel it may be almost too strong?

might be worth trying nonetheless though, because i was quite unhappy with the d1 prince claim d2 massclaim

I like this idea.

Scum roles typically have ways around it though. Scum actually had the roles necessary to kill it N1, Invoker could have swapped protectives off and Cult Leader could have eradicated N1 (this can happen if it’s really SUCH a breaking strategy). Conversion still would probably be better though.

A bleed with a blood ward could do it sometimes too, since healers wouldn’t be informed.

A lot of NKs have forms of strongman. D1 Prince? GG Demon. Mindflayer, Reaper and Demon bypass protections of kinds. Sorcerer can bypass death immunity at least with a bombing.

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It’s a Solic

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Might be cool to have them know they were attacked by something as well to be honest. NKs should be slightly more informed over other players in my opinion. So they would generically be informed of being attacked by an Archer/Knight/Alchemist/Hunter’s Mark/Cult Leader/Assassin (maybe one more that I’m forgetting).

This would enable them to react more quickly to a thunderdome and react accordingly. Alternatively, they would know that scum now knows them, so they play to that or try and create a scenario where they “self-healed” or beared or the like. It’s still a guessing game for the exact scenario for them, but they can anticipate slightly more. It’d have to be clearly stated in a passive though, since it’d just apply to NK’s.

In addition, NKs could use a buff now that it’s been raised to 18 players.


Just passing through. :upside_down_face:

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