FoL Feedback Thread


I get you guys wanting better NK
But I’m worried about how that impacts the rest of the game

NK’s biggest problems stem from the game being rolemadness and that it can’t cover its problems with teammates


Also making NK hunting the main course of the game is terrible as well, because a single person (the NK) playing a certain way makes or breaks your game then even more.


So you should have a 1 in 18 chance of a 90% loss?

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But these problems can’t be fixed without an overhaul
And at that point are we playing FoL

You’re acting as if it will devolve into NK hunting.

The NK and BD would lose to the cultseen 33% of the time. why wouldn’t it devolve into Cultseen hunting?

Cultseen hunting is basically the name of the game already
Cultseen hunting is more healthy (see the social deduction genre’s fundamental foundation of uninformed maj vs informed minority)

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Would it be better if the NK could convert people onto it’s side, making it an actual faction, while also deflating any “but its just 1 poerson tho lul”



Other than it would make it more like a faction, why?

Then it’s multiball and also not FoL


If we assume that the performance of classes are defined by their winrates and not by the actions of each individual player


Now that obviously isn’t true

But if it were, yes

Any game with an Nk and evil faction is Multiball. The NK is fighting against both the groupscum and the town. The groupscum fughts the Nk and the town. The town fights the Nk and groupscum.

Multiball specifically refers to having multiple teams

NK is not a team

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see: Possessor and Reaper in ToL

NK is a team of 1.

I’d make it F3 or F4 at most tbqh

But there is no “i” in “team” :thinking:

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I know a lot of people say if we do it sorc has to be 3 and most others can be 4. Is there any other that you feel would be a 3?

The NK was a team before N0, where it’s partner died.