FoL Feedback Thread

For people with more TOS FM experience:

Does NK work there and why

Iā€™m also saying that we bring it back down to 16p. Seems more appropriate considering that change was meant to extend the game, and removing KP extends the game by a simmilar length.

Aww thatā€™s from the time when I got Kape to play and even to host fol
good times

Iā€™m not considering removing NK right now, but I would definitely keep it in mind for the future.
If anyhow possible, we should try to keep NK, since its 6 classes we would have to outright remove. But if our attempts to make NK viable arenā€™t working, then yea it would be time to remove NK.

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  • Remove NKs from classic FoLs (still an option in SFoLs and a possible new category)
  • Donā€™t remove NKs.

0 voters

a poll just in case

yeah but only 1 in every individual game. itā€™s not like we slashed and burned BD classes.

Destroy all humans

Didnt include no vote option

To see results

Thereā€™s absolutely zero reason cultseen should be buffed. If they get a successful N1 convert and get 2-3 good lynches off itā€™s over already.

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I donā€™t want people to be biased by who voted for what.

not if weā€™re removing NK, which is the discussion weā€™re having right now. also, lolswing

I meant for people Who just wanna see results but not vote

I mean, yeah but why remove NK?

Thatā€™s actually just fair
2-3 mislynches with a wide array of BD sided mechanics is fair


Neutrals are the ones who actually can mix up the mechanics and cause mislynches

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because itā€™s had an oppressive effect on the gameā€™s balance for ages and has very little winchance but has huge impact on tha gameā€™s balance.

weā€™re not suggesting removing neutrals in the slightest, because that would be Dumbā„¢

like remove the NK slot but replace it with a neutral slot.

I kinda sorta agree since NK means an extra KPN