FoL Feedback Thread


do you have any actual reasons based on balance? because I donā€™t want to get rid of NKs that much; i just think it might be our only option.

I donā€™t think you have a great reason based on balance and they are a pivotal part of ToL, so FoL should take that over. Itā€™s like taking away king. Itā€™s less of a balance headache, but itā€™s not FoL anymore.

Also I very much dislike the ā€œjust discard itā€ option.

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i mean, you have no reason to say that iā€™m wrong
nks have been a massive headache for us and theyā€™re not as unique to FoL as King or Conversion

How have they been a massive headacheā€¦

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King is something Iā€™ve not seen in any other setup, and Conversion works in an extremely unique manner in ToL/FoL, simmilarly to how the uniqueness of having two alternative wolf factions. NKs are just a thing that exists in a lot of rolemadness setups, though.

they have a low winrate but high impact, and are extremely EXTREMELY swingy, and have also limited our design space when it comes to buffing cultseen as we have to account for NKā€™s existence

Itā€™s time to go

i cant say i know you well

but welcome back :wave:

i agree but trying a 16p EFoL with no NK is certainly something that may be worthwhile

because like it or not my opinions arenā€™t always right

staying true to traditional ToL is important butā€¦ i think experimenting for the sake of balance is better than just stubbornly saying ā€œno keep nk in cause tol has nkā€

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They have a low winrate? Buff them. No duh that going to 18 players without any additional compensation for classes that need it like ones with limited use abilities or wincon dependent on player number/length of games is going to not go completely smoothly.

You wanted to buff cultseen for killing Prince, you can also buff NK to kill Prince. King/1-2 neuts/NK/Prince. Itā€™s all swingy. FoL is swingy.

Yeah, they are not making things more simplistic for balance. That doesnā€™t mean the only feasible option is to remove them.

That wasnā€™t the reason

Well we can try both, daughter. Trying to buff NK to make him worthwhile. If we failā€¦ trying to remove him

we just need to give every NK 1-2 mindflayer length passives so nobody actually knows what they do

id imagine testing ā€œno nk 16pā€ is much easier than ā€œbuffed nk 18pā€ since weā€™d have to agree on NK buffs

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No NK 16 p is super BD-sided.

here are a few examples from earlier in the thread obnoxiously reposted

which is why that wouldnā€™t be the only change we test, obviously. weā€™re thinking of replacing it with an NE slot, adding more neutrals to the game in general, and nerfing some of the BD.

Itā€™s really not that difficult to balance that out. Give NKs tools above the strongmans that cultseen have.

Which sounds more intensive than buff NKs a bit.

which now means that we have to come up with a dumb power-scaling system a la ToSā€™s attack and defense values, something which is problematic for many reasons