FoL Feedback Thread

i can see this being mildly annoying

attack: “bypasses all forms of healing and protection”
NK defense: “cannot be bypassed in any way”

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it’s really not
nerfing BD a bit wouldn’t take that much

As dumb as occupy immunity or bypassing occupy immunity?

ah yes but we’d also have to explain that Prince still bypasses that

There is no necessity for more strongmans on cultseen that I see anyways…

attack: “bypasses all forms of healing and protection”
NK defense: “cannot be bypassed in any way”
prince execute: “bypasses literally everything, including things that cannot be bypassed in any way”

anything else im missing

We’re talking recursive levels here. Like, ToS has this system where there are 4 levels of attack and 4 of defense, and you need a higher attack value than a defense value to get anything done, which uhh… @orangeandblack5 can explain why that’s bad

i know it’s bad for more than just semantic purposes but I can’t remmeber it off the top of my head.

and now we’re creating hardcounters, solic. do you want to create hardcounters?

That’s not a hardcounter? :thinking:

You’re including exceptions in the ability for specific classes. That’s a hardcounter.

Cultseen can already not take down NKs normally except through lynching.

give cats a little salami

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Yes, but the current setup is BD-sided. How do you propose we buff them when we consider that any buff we add to them has the potential of backfiring, killing NKs more often, and reversing its’ value.

It’s not BD-sided after one game ends in a BD stomp.

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two games*

unless you don’t consider FoL25 a stomp which… eh

You give Cultseen greater investigative capabilities? Oops. NKs are dying more often because they’re being peeked at a far greater rate.

The first game was even more laughably not deserved for scum to win apparently.

so do you think that 18p needs to be tested more before we hammer it down