FoL Feedback Thread

increasing the NK’s investigative power, in other words, would have absolutely no effect on the swing, since it would more accurately enable the NK to crosskill at exactly the time to tank Cultseen’s winrate, and I doubt their powers would be enough to stop that from still increasing BD’s chances. They would be forced by logic into taking such an action nonetheless, because it increases their winrate from say, 5% to 10%, even if it also increases BD’s winrate hugely.

basically, quasi-mulitball is a horrible idea!

Yes, it’d increase NK win rate and lower other faction’s win rate…

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this is assuming that they don’t just peek incorrectly and crosskill anyway

Tol works tho
Why does it not work in fol?

Also I think they would more likely try to lynch them during the day then kill them tbh.

He lost one time the Demwirs (or Dimwits as they call it) almost won by converting one-use on wrong person.

solic it’d solely tank Cultseen but increase their winrate and Blue Dragon’s winrate.

peeking “incorrectly”, gives them a town to kill.

because in ToL people don’t have enough time to make 100% thought-out, logical decisions, nor is there as much of an abundance of information.


and what if they peek something that has very little relevancy to their game plan? or something they simply don’t want to kill right now? we’re back in the same scenario as before- crosskill city.

They don’t just random peek.

obviously not, but there have to be conditions other than “they’re a wolf” that would spurn them away from somebody, unless we’re suggesting giving them a literal cop check

I’m not saying that this solving all problems. I am saying that this would be better I think.

An Archer killing a cult N1 or a Knight defending against a starting Assassin N1 can also almost decide a game. A NK killing a fellow scum N1 is just one of these scenarios.

i contest that the second one should exist, but that’s besides the point.

the problem is that if an Archer shot a wolf N1, they are playing the game correctly. if an NK kills a fellow wolf, it is not their incredibly risky success that has nearly decided the game but their fairly probable failure.

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i personally don’t want to lose games because a third allignment made a mistake

That’s always going to happen in a game with 3 factions. Neutrals existing is still going to make that happen.

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not really, considering that no non-NK neutrals can stab people N1, or ever realisitcally would

And yes, I realize that just neutering the 3rd faction neutrals is going to make that impact less.