FoL Feedback Thread

like you could remove them, rebalance setup a bit, and then end up with a better balanced game
but people like them so we keep them

Fun > balance > flavor

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Balance is just a way to make the game more enjoyable, not to remove swing or make it more competetive

Usually You need to have balance to have fun in competetive game like ToL unless you base the game around not having balance like all any

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If balance is making game more enjoyable And swing=less balance
The more swing=less enjoyment from game

I’d say swing creates more tilt
People get very invested in games (somewhere in the 10+ hours range sometimes)

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Still thinking that we have neuts etc to ADD swing, not to remove swing
But yea

We have neuts because ToL has neuts

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Who cares about salt? Just calm yourself down and play another, maybe you have more luck next time

no idea What this means



People are unlikely to want to invest multiple hours into a fruitless endeavor


Because that’s An emotion people dont want to Experience? Unless youre weird or smth

If someone is salty, thats in the worst a case for moderation. But it HAS to be irrelevant for balance

You win. You lose. Who cares? Well I dont, but I never played these games competetive.

If we prioritize fun, ensuring that people have fun is important
Salt is usually the opposite of fun


X to doubt

Ok lets make 100% of all players win. No salt :wink:

On paper, I agree with you
In practice, just look at how people like me can turn from normal to aggro