FoL Feedback Thread

It’s inevitable that there is some salt
I’m saying that things being out of people’s control is usually what causes the most salt

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A lot of people tend to blame ‘out of my control’ for losses
That should be pretty telling

Yea I have no respect for that.
But fol is bringing out the worst emotions of anyone, even me, so its not just you

I’m using myself as an example for an average person

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I mean it’s Ok for 20 min game

But playing multiple weeks And then losing Cuz setup roll was bad

Like no

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I think anyone would be mad if they spent multiple irl days on something and it was revealed they never stood a chance for reasons entirely out of their control

That’s exactly why bastard games that lie to players are so despised


But we dont control rolls as hosts rn. We have very sided rolls and dont reroll

or more accurately, bastard games that lie to players in unsubtle ways are despised

That’s dumb

Its the rules. Change the rules then.

always rerand a broken setup, but only before the rolecards are sent, and at no other time


Nowhere is that a rule

I reroll all the time tbh
Who likes this shit:

2 Neuts
Shitty BD

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Editing rands? bad

Re-rolling blatantly awful rands? great

we have an advantage and it’s ludicrous that we aren’t using it. if we’re not using machines but nerds with too much time to run the game, we should allow them to rerand broken rands to prevent weeks from being wasted.

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I always have seen rerolling as bastard and unfair - its just the sign of bad mechanics.

There’s an acceptable range of games, usually where it might be sided a little ways to one side
But ridiculous is ridiculous


the players will not even be aware it happened- if they saw the shitty situations they could have been randed into, they’d probably be happy

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We are trying to remove these bad mechanics here rn


So don’t use it as a reason we shouldn’t change the mechanics???