FoL Feedback Thread

i 90% remember orange posting that once

Never heared of it
Enlighten me

iā€™m 90% sure Iā€™ve heard people talk about how we have a specific algorithm to rand the game that is public, unlike ToL, which has a hidden set of conditions to rand the game.

The problem here is that because of the neutral slot being very limited then neutral claims usually self-resolve so there really isnā€™t anything to dissuade them from open-claiming, which in turn basically makes them just claim and be left alone. There needs to be something to dissuade them from open-claiming.

The problem goes back to just claiming neutral and then being left alone until another neutral slot flips, if ever.

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Rand Enemy Faction type
Rand King faction
Rand neutral killer
Rand number of neuts
Rand neuts

Then rand to players

Solution: more neut slots

never mind, Iā€™m a big dumb dumb.

All non-NE style neutrals have penalties for claiming

Yea, thats what we were doing too. Just like tol except of having all classes spawn equally, instead of having classes like Obs spawning rarer

Pretty much. Thereā€™s far more time investment in forum matches then turbos so rerolling should be done if thereā€™s too much BS like a very weak BD and an EK as youā€™ve mentioned in order to make sure the rolls arenā€™t too scum-sided or town-sided.

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Welcome to literally this conversation


Glad to have you up to speed

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Give king 5x vote

After king death next one is randomly chosen

Increase size to 25

5 neuts slot with 3 being normal neut/NK

Normal neuts can be either surv pro BD or pro evil

Every scum slot has chance of spawning either random cult or random unseen (multiple factions possible)

Remove class cap Expect for uniques they have 3 class cap

Prince isnt guaranteed And there can be up to 3 princes

Add revenant And they choose their target through RNG


congratulations youā€™ve ruined everything

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Sounds meaner than itā€™s meant but also that is literally the point of this thread

So take it at like half as aggressive as that sounds and thatā€™s about accurate


I like this, tbh.

I fucking might edit SFoL 60 just to have this


Problem: how do you handle anything but fullclaims

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Cries silently in being Prince with an EK with 4 votes


It will be hard to decide when someone accidentaly revealed their role or softed