FoL Feedback Thread

Ok. Makes sense

Well, the only way healed people die is if they werenā€™t really healed, so it hardly matters if the phys claim is real or not


Can we make Maid compare one person to the person they previously checked? Maid is still by far the best invest inc sheradin and completely fucks up druid beyond belief.


Also can Druid REPLACE Investigative results instead of being layered on top of them?


Why, out of curiousity?
I feel like Druid is actually pretty strong post these changes, since this will inevitably slow down the game (even if itā€™s just a bit)

Itā€™s a possibility for the future
Maybe have their default check be that, and they have another limited use day ability that allows them to check multiple?

We def need to have some games test out these current changes before we change too much though


It helps but the Druid having a hard time killing quickly (cuz Arsonist kill pattern) combined with every investigative that doesnā€™t see vines clearing that person I would say that he would still be too weak

Also - For hosting SFOLs -
You can use whatever notification system you think is best
but if you change from this standard, please try to mention it in your OP
This notification system is by far the easiest to host if youā€™re curious


Even comparing 1 person each night they are very strong, the only invest which can reliably confirm 2 BD in 2 nights, and they have the faction check, AND the rb check. Compare that to princess. Maid doesnā€™t need any ability to compare 2 ppl on the same night, and if you really wanna keep it than buff princess and Sheriff (which is an awful idea but having one invest far far far better than the others is worse)

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Btw for action resolution is NAR required? Because I prefer RAR


Natural actually resolution and Rational action resolution

i probably know what you mean by that but go ahead and explain it anyway just so i dont assume wrong

Natural Action resolves uncontested actions first and then uses a list system when that isnā€™t possible.

Rational Action resolves everything at the same time regardless of things contesting it. However it resolves with the things contesting it in mind and it works at the effect scale instead of the ability scale.

So for a Drunk HHing Drunk HHing the first Drunk RAR would occupy both Drunks (and not remove immunitys)

I prefer Rational because it always can reach a consistent result.

For consistency iā€™d reccomend to stick with NAR
But if itā€™s an SFOL Youā€™re free to run it as you please

cases where it matters are incredibly fringe anyway

Disagree - that way you arenā€™t sure that your heal target is instantly good, as it could be some other reason there was no kill.

Yh but how often do you heal someone who isnā€™t incredibly likely to be good anyway? N1 maybe, but the vast majority of time youā€™re on Prince, Sheradin or other confirmeds.

If you are healing people who you have no idea is scum or not as Phys then you are doing it wrong lol.

but if youā€™re on one of the confirmeds
and nobody dies
and you know that your heal wasnā€™t required
it pretty much confirms scum was jailed roleblocked or prevented