FoL Feedback Thread

Social Deduction

In a high mechanical setup you can still find out a lot about them without needing to read them. But yes, its hard to scumread slankers.

Not necessarily
A lot of confirmation isnā€™t cut and dry
Maybe they even no actioned and you wouldnā€™t know


slankers donā€™t make the game unfun just by ā€˜being difficult to read,ā€™ they make the game unfun because they arenā€™t doing anything and the thing that makes the game fun is people doing things

itā€™s like if you were trying to play ā€¦ soccer, or some other form of sportsball, but half the players were just standing around on the field

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In ToL if someone isnā€™t posting you know they are willfully not posting usually

Exactly so Arete

Dead games are frustrating, not fun

flashbacks to pe class

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to continue this analogy I think sportsball games usually have a concept of being subbed out for some other player??

last time I took non-online P.E. was 7th grade :^)

Corona has told me sports donā€™t exist

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highkey co-ed PE was the worst
what we called the click clique was all in our class and they sat around and talked the entire time
freshman amy was a competitive little shit and hated them
(also its funnier if you say click clique outloud)

Define sports

a scam

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I mean I really doubt non-co-ed PE would have been any better but maybe thatā€™s just me being weird

in any case leaving in ToL and replacing out in FoL/FM are obviously different because in one case your slot just canā€™t do anything, which screws over your team, while replacing out allows someone who can actually fulfill their commitments to take your slot


No you right

Itā€™s how I got my gym requirement in high school :upside_down_face:

a game of FoL or FM usually takes at least five hundred times as long as a game of ToL


this means that the result means much more to a lot of people
And that means that whatever ensures that every slot in the game is able to perform sustainably is objectively the best
If people feel mentally or physically ill, or are incredibly swamped by IRL stuff in some way, and just do not have the will or drive to perform in-game, the integrity of the slot is being more preserved, not less preserved, by replacing it with someone who is ready to play fully, psychologically, temporally, and emotionally.