FoL Feedback Thread

your take is very not good

and i’d like for it to not exist :eyes:

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1-2 is best. Having a static number is bad as it basically makes the game a bit too predictable regarding neutrals. 2-3 is too much and puts too much power in their hands and makes the game too swingy.


Completely neutral roles are only swing when they end up with a goal like surviving. If they have their own 3p-focused goal then they aren’t too swingy as they have a given and predicted agenda, unlike the original concept of Alchemist where the lack of an agenda aside from surviving made it a wild-care and a kingmaker.

I like two months. FoL is fun but NGL playing the same setup over and over again slowly gets boring

Minor change

NK wincon changed from

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and the Unseen or Cult.

because it’s more intuitive

NK has been deleted.

The core of FoL always has and always should be the massive complexity of individual classes surrounded by a cast of neutrals
So we are doubling down on the BD vs. Cultseen conflict, and are going to be cranking up the neutrals to compensate in weirdness.

NK has long been a hold on the game by being such a factor of swing that we have had to constantly cater changes just to make sure that things ‘can’t immediately kill nk’
NK is a design limiter, and as such needs to be removed at some point

Additionally, it has been proven through extensive calculations that its swinginess is ultimately unhealthy for the game. If it goes out too early, game is massively bd sided. If it goes out too late, then the game is massively scumsided. This is ridiculous, and the fun that people might get from the idea of nk is ultimately quashed since it being able to win in the first place is the sign that something is entirely off in the game’s balance.

Doing this, we can move the game back to 16p (testing 18p first) since the burden of nk means that games won’t end in a matter of two days.
By removing crosskills, the game becomes easier to balance
These changes will not come into play until after the next FoL
We are also looking to remove conversion


In other news we’re making a bunch of small changes to fix some minor weirdness

Warlock now has occ / red immunity
Mastermind will now be able to choose a class to mimic some of the abilities of
Cult Leader will be able to swap roles with a fellow cult member once during the course of the game
Mastermind will now be able to backup for the assassin’s kill as a secondary effect of dirty work.
Cult points are back in some capacity.
Dedicated NE slot.

All of the above changes are due for the next FoL

I’m sorry to anyone who really wanted us to buff nk into extremity
This isn’t a joke anymore
This shit is just like fool

It exists because it exists in a different game
Has nobody stopped to realize that that’s a problem?

Integral role my ass

It doesn’t even balance out both factions
Crosskilling unseen / cult is almost always a bad play outside of the later parts of the game

Not neutral
It’s a class that just fucking dies

i wholeheartedly support every single one of these EPIC changes
this just goes to show that society lives in us

(@Geyde please tell me this is an april fools’ joke, the NK thing is good but not most of the other things)

okay yeah i read the feedback thread
for anybody wondering this is an april fools joke
god i wish it wasn’t

( yes and no )

(oh i see so its’ changes you agree with but the prank is that you got them through “I AM THE SENATE”. i approve)

( The joke is more that everything but the actual changes I agree with. Reasoning and shit )

(yeah i see. anyway we will get to see the NK-less future, since i designed an SFoL for it)

I was happy for some time And then I looked at the date


( It’s kind of disappointing since I see the valid reasoning for removing it and I agree with it, but I have to recognize that people do enjoy this swingy and generally unfun mechanic. That’s mostly regardless of that SFoL, since unless it’s a strong-armed change it’s not happening )

( btw why do people even like fol )