FoL Feedback Thread

Target a player

If they’re lynched the next day and are BD, the day continues and there can be another lynch

That sounds familiar?

just revert it

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If it isn’t reverted, I can see two possible scenarios:

  1. Share charges with limited use abilities
  2. Don’t allow day abilities to be selected

If Prince is changed so that he cannot be day-occupied, I see no reason to not allow day abilities - but charges should absolutely be shared.

But this will also absolutely 100% mean that MM chooses CW abilities, as they are insanely powerful

Two strongmans, and one on a 2f1


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i wouldnt mind seeing it gone, but uses 100% need to not refill on a 2nd MM

also why are we focusing so much on unseen buffs when cult is just worse?


unusable N1 imo

Wait wtf why does it show Katze posted but there is no one under Chloe


Still not there

thank god im not the only one thinking this


Its empty

If people have ideas for Cult buffs/BD nerfs, they can feel free to suggest them

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Hey i’m not complaining tho :wine_glass:

I also think that, while 2-3 neutrals spawning is not a great thing in terms of balance, there should not be a 50/50 split between having 1 or 2 neutrals.

There should be a 33% chance of rolling 1 neut
and a 66% chance of rolling 2
(basically, roll a d3, if you roll 2 or 3, there are two neuts in the game)

1-2 neuts is balanced, and 3 is far too many

Wait what

Cult should be terminated

iirc we ditched cult points

The thing about the new MM passive is that there are really only 2 reasonable choices for classes to take. It’s TK and CW, and the game just becomes a guess of which they took and how to play around it

alternative-but-similar suggestion: if there’s a GK, there are automatically 2 neuts, while if it’s an EK there’s 1-2 with a 50/50 ratio between the two