FoL Feedback Thread

I’m pretty sure you can’t make a player self target with it but I haven’t checked wording

Suicide guilt removed, instead guilt will vanillize you… but only if it actually kills them
Armored will only save you if the killer doesn’t die


Good changes


Random thing, is this needed in the OP? Seems pointless to re-repeat your point.

The first one is describing majority - ending the day as soon as a vote reaches it.

Second one describes plurality - executing the player who has the most votes once the 48h period is over.


It just came randomly up in the cookie thread
If you channel a player, should he be removed from deathchat? It’s not stated in the ability, but I’m pretty sure this is how it was always run (mostly to prevent the situation that the Channeled player can talk with deadchat AND gamechat simultaneously)… cuz technically he is “alive” now again
It’s not stated tho in the Priest class

The Priest (Unofficial Class) :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Religious Fervor (Passive) - Your presence ensures that any religious rivals do not nest in Adiart. The Mystic will not spawn.
Call of The Dead (Passive) - You can talk to the dead at night.
Last Rites (Night) - Use target dead Blue Dragon Non-Killer’s infinite use ability on an alive player. You will only be seen visiting the alive one. You may not use the same corpse more than once - Infinite Uses
Channel (Night) - The target dead player’s voice will be brought back to life until you die. They may speak and use your vote. Upon being converted, target dead player will also be converted, provided they can be. You are immune to occupation and redirection while using this ability. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

technically they aren’t actually alive
but i definitely see the problem

it’s like a day call of the dead

I swear they always were removed from dead chat anyway since it’s just a Day Priest then.

Hot take

Priest bad

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Hot take

You’re right

Who would have thought
Self confirming resurrection is a bad idea :eyes:

Mystic/Priest is just an IC with additional abilities ^^

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Thats consensus not a hot Take

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cold take tbh

being “alive” means that people can’t speak in dead chat
If it’s a problem, it can be made more obvious

The Cult Leader :crossed_swords: :shield:

Cult Special
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 1 use :crown:
Blood of Mithras (Day) - Sacrifice yourself bypassing all protection this night and flip as class of your choice. Other Cult members gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities. This occurs before promotion. This ability only works if you do not die due to any other means. - 1 use
Transfer Essence (Day) - Swap classes with another member at the cult at the start of the night, provided both of you are alive by that point. - 1 Use (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Eradicate (Night) - Unleash ancient power within Mithras, attacking 2 target players at once. This ability will be seen visiting the first target only. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.


were does it actually say that youngest cult becomes the CL

no where. As its the oldest iirc


yeah I said that, its not inherently said I guess on the classcard, but I guess we could right it or as a pre-text to the cult section on the classcards. I dont think its even stated that the max groupsize anywhere