FoL Feedback Thread

archer is just knight, just better, with less guilt

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if the abils were limited uses(so Arbalist couldnā€™t just pin people for bleeds/attacks AND volley)

that would probably help

but both of these are meant to be good converts



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i mean on a failed vig, the knight is vanillized but archer can still exist and do things, even if theyre less important than most classes

both are overpowered

but I have a light distaste for archer (and almost all other event-added classes)


knight is stronger than most other BD so elite bodyguard bad :wink:

what are the event-added classes

how could archer be better

would you like it if there was more guilt?


all just feel like they exist because event and not because they actually bring a benefit to the game

which I guess is fine

the neuts exist because everyone was like ā€˜give us more neutsā€™

Tavernkeeper is an event class

but I like the class itself quite a bit so iā€™m happy that it exists

I like Chancellor

Crusader would be fun to play as but not against, removes the reward of a mislynch to scum or the reward of a good lynch from town

Missionary im not too sure about

i think missionary is the only new neut i dislike

joat alch is amusing to me but i prefer it more than old neut alch

and uh, archer is a class

idk how i truly feel about it

Missionary is the new neut that I find the most interesting but thereā€™s a part of me thatā€™s like ā€˜townsided neuts D:ā€™

I personally favor classes that are actually in the game of ToL

and all 5 of those I donā€™t think substantially help the game and donā€™t exist in ToL

technically alch exists in ToL

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crusader reduces swing which is a good thing

i dont know what specifically chancellor does but its cool sounding

archer exists to shoot prince n1

joat alch prob only exists because all versions of neut alch sucked and someone was like ā€œremember ToL JOAT alch? just make it BDā€

joat alch only exists because it was from the SFoL 00 event

Chancellor kinda does what pret did

But also not

okay but do you think its worse than survivor alch or ā€œheal 3(2?) peopleā€ alch


those were both worse

but that does not justify itā€™s existence