FoL Feedback Thread

all roads go back to syndicate
ftr I’m watching people come up with ideas so I can start driving off road

oh no oh god

my bad
I didn’t post the complete ability swamp card

SCP 682

Gamer Adaptive
Impervious (Passive) - You are infinitely bulletproof, which cannot be bypassed. Whenever a Gamer dies, you will automatically gain 1-shot versions of all their abilities.
Adapt (Passive) - Every night, you may choose a modifier to grant yourself from a list of three for that night ONLY.

Puzzle Box of Yogg Saron (Day) - [SPELL] Cast 3 Random Spells chosen by the mod. - 1 Use
Silence (Day) - [SPELL] All healing and protection on the target will be nullified this cycle. Any passives they have will be disabled. - 1 Use
Supreme Archeology (Day) - [SPELL] Kill a player provided they have claimed their role fully (at least all important parts). You will copy their role. This effect is strongman - 1 Use
Curse of Rafaam (Day) - [SPELL] If the target casts any spells with negative effects today, they will become vanillarized. - 1 Use
Enter the Coliseum (Day) - [SPELL]
Hidden Wisdom (Day) -

Overpowered (Night) - Duplicate all actions on target player to yourself. - 1 Use
Purify (Night) - Roleblock a player. - 1 Use
Void Contract (Night) - Determine the target’s flavor name. - 1 Use
Ignoramus (Night) -
Egg (Night) -
Joker (Night) -
Reno Jackson (Night) -
Omniscient (Night)
Keyboard (Night) -
Silencer (Night) -
Don’t pick this, you’ll die (Night) -
Cursed Word (Night) -

Rise up and defeat all of society. Also Third Party because neuts out.

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>what fol looks like in 2021


I feel like we don’t need more mechanical complexity in an already mechanically complex setup.

if at first you don’t succeed
do it again

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Just yeet NK and add 3rd GS.


No, keep conversion.


Skills Wallets




If you want groupscum to steamroll, sure.
Unseen and Cult are both snowbally, Cult especially. 3 GS is bound to dominate.

give evil faction double convert for first night if they elect EL

Busted what?

I am confused

3 starting groupscum = wolves are going to dominate.

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starting groupscum = wolves are going to dominate

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groupscum = wolves are going to dominate

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wolves are going to dominate