FoL Feedback Thread

it reduces swing but not in … a positive way in my opinion

it means that there’s effectively zero risk in just converting your top conversion target, rather than having to play around it at all

and overwhelmingly nerfs conversion protection in a way that overall seems harmful to ability balance? like, I see this as fairly comparable to ‘submit a ranked list of who you want to kill, the first one to not be protected is the one you attack’

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i mean

if people wanna talk about it they can talk

i’m not gonna stifle that

it could be a shorter list

or like only having a backup option

but like, missing converts is oftentimes just like, super swingy

and I don’t particularly think people not having to WiFoM conversions is all that bad.

the alternative is far worse in my opinion

in ToL missing conversions isn’t great but it’s not the end of the world

because ToL often lasts to day 7/8

but in FoL, there is going to be time for 1, maybe 2 conversions

missing a conversion n1 is far more brutal and making conversions consistent (while balancing around that of course)

is just, like, really important imo to reduce swing

and I believe the benefits out weigh the drawbacks

conversions aren’t just kills, it’s adding somebody to the team

and conversions will still have an element of WiFoM to them, if the person converted is always alice then people will be able to specifically single out watchers or invests other things on alice.

I would feel worse about nerfing fealty in this way, but the GK/EK spawn swing is already something noteworthy and making fealty just a “You know that if this person starts as BD, they will stay that way” type thing is still, like, useful, but not as gamebreaking as it can be.

bear in mind that if we remove NK the game will last longer

if we remove NK I think we should probably revert back to 16p

but that’s something to keep in mind yes

I do kind of want to host an EFoL with these changes

because I don’t think people are going to want to like, rip the bandaid off and delet Nk and rework conversion and nerf prince and like, all that jazz

I don’t know if I can do that while not being on the FoL balance team but I also think an EFoL is a decent way to actually try some of these suggestions out because I do not think it will realistically happen otherwise

EFoL4: Swings flavor

we have to decided to remove some of the swing from the game. To compensate, we have added it to the flavor.


My thoughts on your changes:

  1. Delete NK - Agreed. Not much to say, you hit the nail on the spot.
  2. Prince - There will have to be some balance reworking around nerfing Prince, but I don’t mind reducing power concentration. Furthermore, Prince nerf might work well with NK removal.
  3. Conversion - Mixed feelings about this one… you’ll probably need a more concrete example as to what to do with conversion before I announce support on it.
  4. Bounty - yes please
  5. Rework Knight - Ehhh sure. You could also remove its Armored passive.

making knight a Vig/BG might be less absurd

Vig/EliteBG is pretty :joy_cat:

The lack of a 3rd-killing party just ruins the whole point of having an NK.

Why would this be a thing? Scum already win a lot and it’s not like conversions are getting in the way, if you hit wrong, you hit wrong. Tough.

Yeah, this really needs changing. Prince is just a ‘well Ici has it down’.

yeah ok

This is the one I have the biggest issue with, why? Your explanation in your post wasn’t helpful because that’s literally what Knight is meant to be. And everyone I talk to put Knight as one of the most balanced classes on here.

elite bodyguard is an unfathomably swingy role
it’s literally an omniscient vig


the lack of a third killing party means there is no NK
what point is there supposed to be

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The point is that there needs to be a 3rd party.

That’s my point.


Because without it, what is there to kill Unseen/Cult at night apart from the Knight and other luck based classes that Marshal put in there to be reworked anyway.

why would there have to be consistent night kill other than TK


I believe you’re forgetting about the “non-night” phase

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I don’t think there’s an inherrent problem with confirmable vigges, to be honest, especially since an NK claiming vig is not exactly a wise claim to begin with.