FoL Feedback Thread

and it’s not like the rest of the queue is better
18p hell on earth
And endless complaints
And things I want to stop from happening keep happening
Despite what I do

Go take a breather

Drink some tea and relax for a bit

Its just a game
It isnt life or death

Its going to be alright

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fm is toxic as shit
what do

fix the problem by trying to help people

I’m bludgeoning a setup with a hammer
And it’s fixing the problem

FoL fool royale
It’s a secret bastard game

I think you have the right sentiment

I do semi-suggest leaving thread for a bit to collect your ideas to make the case for delet FoL more understandable and less spitballing ideas


a lot of the things that make FoL unfun aren’t even ‘it’s high-power rolemadness,’ they’re things like ‘conversion in a non-turbo’


which was really fun when I started! and now is much less fun. I’m not really sure what happened there, like, this isn’t just a product of getting converted into a team half of which was refusing to play the game and then getting blamed for the loss

I disagree with your sentiment
It’s not like a huge percentage of games on this site aren’t FoL or SFoL

I merely hate the fact that I can’t fix something
It’s against its nature to be fixed
the fact it can’t be fixed is against logic

and when everything comes crashing down
why play this shitty ass game

All that needs to happen is for FoL not to fill
Then wowee problem fixed

Or just host more extreme power rolemadness setups that don’t fucking work

i do not enjoy playing FoLs

let’s just host Mad fucking 17

I was a lot more tolerable of stuff like that when I was new but I guess as i’ve gotten more experience i’ve found that the swing caused is often frustrating and usually not rewarding

This does not apply to just FoL but

FoL is always insanely swingy and lots of time it’s just luck

and I do not want to invest time or brain usage into that when it almost never ends enjoyably

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Fuck it
I’m just going to make Fol 30 the last one

You ask me to do any more of this shit
I’ll say no

if its no longer a extreme rolemadness

can we call it

town of salem of lies

we can translate that to

bad game

just make FoL bastard mountainous where all of the abilities do nothing


select all that apply

  • I enjoy playing FoL more than I enjoy playing other set-ups that are not FoLs or SFoLs, or I don’t play set-ups that are not FoL/SFoL
  • I enjoy playing FoL about as much as I enjoy playing other set-ups that are not FoLs or SFoLs
  • I enjoy playing FoL less than I enjoy playing other set-ups that are not FoLs or SFoLs, but I still like to play FoLs occasionally
  • I enjoy playing FoL less than I enjoy playing other set-ups that are not FoLs or SFoLs, but I join anyway out of a sense of obligation
  • I don’t play FoL or SFoL set-ups (but I do play other set-ups that are not FoLs or SFoLs)
  • The presence of specifically FoL as a game mode was important in getting me to join the forums
  • Other (please specify)

0 voters

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FoL is the worst thing to ever be created
I’ve spent hours upon hours thinking about it, working on it, and trying my absolute hardest to make the game as workable as possible

And I wasted several months of my life on it