FoL Feedback Thread

Fuck this wasn’t supposed to be anon

wow that’s a great original idea we should totally do that


this is mega overdoing it

the rest of your sentiment I don’t really agree with but
come on

I also think that Geyde deserves a lot of appreciation for the work he has put into attempting to balance FoL

He has probably brought more people to FoL than anyone else, just by keeping the setup running and somewhat functional

It’s fair to dislike FoL but I think we need to be kinder to the dude who has put a shit ton of hours into it
(I’m not saying anyone is being rude at this exact moment, this is a general statement)


I mean
Not… really?

I’m not saying i42 Forum is a bad thing

I’m just saying that it isn’t really FoL if it isn’t related to ToL
Thats it

nah fuck geyde he’s a nerd who banished me to the shadowrealm or something idk :stuck_out_tongue:

Open Source FoL

You get to host whatever version or similar thing you want

Just replace FoL with grand idea

People think or say the setup of FoL specifically brings new players (and it… might. I think a flavored vanilla or lowpower game would do the same in all honestly)

and many experienced players hate the setup because it is legitimately godawful and unfixable

I think a lowpower game with “ToL Flavor” slapped on it would entice just as many new players (not really more), and it would solve the problem of a setup that is just terrible being run for 1-2 weeks while other ones wait

No it wouldn’t

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what are new players coming for :^)

I think it depends on what specifically you mean by ‘low power’

in particular a lot of people really don’t like VTs, and don’t want to join games where they might roll VT

I’ve talked to several new players
They join initially because of high power rolemadness

Take Ans, who many of you idolize, for an example

there’s 2 kind of new players

the ones with 0 fm background coming for tol lol
the ones with fm background coming for fm mini mash rolemadness

ans joined because he lost a bet

I joined because of high power rolemadness similar to previous forums of mine

not fol just normal fm :^)

He talked about tons of mech a lot

I joined forum from a strictly ToL background and played simply because I liked the concept of FM

I joined due to my low self esteem