FoL Feedback Thread

It can, but the power inflation is way off. We already have roles like MM, Prince, NK and King. Don’t need to add a class that has 5 possible kills with possible 2 KPN. I like that Alchemist only has 2 bombs currently.

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King can’t kill at night

I think you mean assassin.

And it does give scum a neutral to claim ‘I’m sorry I killed Prince, let me live and I’ll kill assassin for you.’

Current Alchemist does that just the same and I just meant generally powerful roles. They are all heads of factions or the court, so it’s sensible for them, so I think this power is disproportionate on just an Alch.

Not really, as normal alch doesn’t have motive to hide and murder random bds

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The more people that are dead, the closer to the end you are and Prince is a lone individual that can kill you.


Then kill Prince before he will get you. EZ

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Was replying to this. Normal alchemist does have a motive to kill Prince in my opinion. Just don’t get caught by an Observer. This diverts from the point that that alchemist suggestion is simply too powerful in my opinion though.

A game will be over very soon with a NK, evil faction and 2 alchemists bombing about.

It’s not radically more deadly than normal alch, just less motive to out and side BD and sleep the whole game.

It has 3 additional possible kills and double the kill potential and a goal that actively promotes killing now. It’s very radically different to me and no incentive to heal anyone else other than yourself, which used to possibly stop other kills too.

If it doesn’t have 3 emerald potion, then it can’t guarantee 3 kills to begin with.

Hammering a player should count maybe or saving a player with a heal.

Why does it even need this.

So it can find people to kill derp.

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To find the unseen/cult you’d want to bomb.

not against that per se.

oh wait I never looked at the Win condition. it’s not my fault I blame alch for having that Win condition

Honestly the neutral part seems hard especially since some neutrals are immune, while you can just bleed them what if you are the only neutral that spawns or the neutral is executed, really the neutral part just seems hard tbh.

My proposed changes