FoL Feedback Thread

Timing as hammerer is really annoying though. Maybe, be their first accuser instead? This also makes truth potion better, as they can just fake some kind of red check and bomb some BD at night.

Changed to reflect that

Ngl this seems way too easy, you bomb randomly N1 and you have a good chance of taking a BD out, then you do it N2 and then you vote someone else up depending on who you need, it seems way too easy.

You still have to survive.

Get the kills is easy. Been a neutral special who has to survive to win? Not so much

oh, then itā€™s still a king maker and all you did was make it have to kill more.


The problem isnā€™t how easy it is to survive, the problem is how it becomes a kingmaker.

But most non-killing neuts are. But this one isnā€™t brain dead do what Bd says

Thatā€™s their fault not mine tbh, if I get alch Iā€™m killing everyone no mercy, the fact is itā€™s actually no fun to have a king maker in game
We can always stop it by adding a prize to executing them

And you can kill if you want lol.

All neutrals are inherently kingmakers or just aligned with one of the main factions in a way.

Yea, cuz heā€™s kingmaker soooo often you donā€™t have any ideaā€¦

I mean but alch is THE king maker.

So is scorned, and merc (if unattached)

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If anyone bring this argument just for sake bringing this up, you should ask first did kingmaker was ever a problem in first place.

So is NK against MM against BD king or some variation on this. There are plenty of kingmaking scenarioā€™s that donā€™t involve an Alchemist.

Okay NVM THE KING MAKER ARGUMENT, Alch would still be much better by not making them claim as often by people getting something from executing them.

And kingmaking can still be influenced and can play a role in a social game. Itā€™s obviously not ideal to have your win decided on it, but subtle manipulation of an Alchemist can sway them in your favour. Not just in the endgame, but over the whole course of it.

All you did was make it have to play more aggressively, Alch should always use their bomb N1, and N2 cause thatā€™s the fastest way to get that Win condition done. and by then the damage is already done.

Making it have a prize for executing it would make it better as right now this basically does nothing but make more deaths happen.

This kill thing is worse

Just delete it