FoL Feedback Thread

Can we get a NK that has a mustache and is a plumber?

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The Plumber (M)

Neutral Killer


Turtle Killer:
All other players who has names with Turtle, Shell, Koopa, Goomba, Dry Bones, Paratroopa, Hammer Bros, Lakitu, Cheep Cheep, Bowser, and Bowserā€™s Kids will be killed automatically on Night 8.

You will not die even when you are burned.


Brute Smash: (N) (oo) (1-Day Cooldown)
Choose a player, and jump on them. They will die.

Fireball: (N) (oo)
Ignite a player on fire.

Anti-FLUDD: (D) (3)
Kill all ignited players. Bypasses everything. Including Visit Prevention.

Mustache Stroke: (D) (2)
Choose a player. Based on their class, you will appear as either a Sheriff, Court Wizard, Hunter, Noble, or Drunk tomorrow night when investigated.


I canā€™t wait for everyone to die N8. Does he die if he named himself that?

Not anymore

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10/9 fol make it happen

and never mind Noble has mustache too

Okay now we need a counter to this because we canā€™t ever let a NK win.
Luigi make it happen

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The Carpenter (L)

Neutral Investigator

See the Plumber lose.


Cowardly: Whenever someone tries to kill you, you will hide, preventing all visits to yourself.

Righteous Loser: If the Plumber loses, even if you are dead, you will win.


Flashlight: (N) (oo)
Discover if a player is ghostly or not. The Plumber is not a ghost. If you find a ghost, you will ā€œfaintā€, preventing you from talking or voting tomorrow.

Shriek: (N) (4)
Choose a player and disable their immunities.

L: (D) (3)
Choose to automatically lose. If the Plumber wins, you will get half of the gold that the Plumber gets, for coming in second place.

Headbutt: (D) (oo)
Headbutt someone. You will force their night ability to target themselves that night.

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No death stare, no ā€˜winning by doing absolutely nothingā€™, no high jump,
you should be ashamed :smirk:


There wasnā€™t enough room, and yes Iā€™m more than familiar with ā€œgames luigi wins by doing nothingā€

Okay I feel as this is totally balanced. Someone can test this out later :grin:

Both of these are technically class suggestions and could be added in the Chaos 2 SFoL :^)


I would watch it -eats popcorn-

Electro is a far worse druid now. The day-ability is literally an exact replica. I preferred the other reworked one on the discord, but Iā€™d rather not have one at all honestly.

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The day ability isnā€™t a replica. Itā€™s an announcement before a large unstoppable multikill. It doesnā€™t target a player, like the druidā€™s judgement of the wild.
Meaning if you dont find and hang the electro that day, a bunch of people will die.

It could actually be TOO STRONG in itā€™s current form, especially if someone Zaps PKR n1 and a billion people get shocked.

I see.

So this is to discourage people for free win strat?


It (alongside reaper) are to try to discourage mass claims and gigantic night plans.