FoL Feedback Thread

Based on your feedback from some recent polls, the following changes have been made!


You may now lynch a king as if they were any other player. Loyalty has been completely removed.

Good King

Pass the torch now reads
“Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King. If you are executed for treason all players will lose their Royal Blood passive permanently.”


Cowardly King’s Spiteful is also a punishment for King executing.

I’m not saying Cowardly King already removes this non existant exe king meta. I’m just saying Good King execution should have some punishment too.

Weren’t we getting rid of the CKing punishment?

I’d say we probably should have a minor punishment in play.

Like not that major like current one.

The punishment isn’t nearly as severe - it punishes both evils and good. The change we recently did with CKing was make it so butler poison didn’t kill the butler too.

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No Royal Blood > No Kings for the rest of the game


No RB is more scum benefiting. which is good because it’ll make BD more careful as scum now get an equal spot to BD if they have no royal bloods.

no kings is bad for both factions.

We’re allowing squires named Ward as becoming King Arthur now? :thinking:



Ice Ward

Except Merlin claims Wizard, not Ward.


but what if Squire Ward trains into a Court Wizard.

Ice Ward

Court Wizard
Cour Wizard
Cou Wizard
Co Wizard
C Wizard
C Wiard
C Ward
Ce Ward
Ice Ward


pug go home


oh i found the thread. revenant probably needs more abilities or just a slight buff since it’s pretty luck based rn

maybe an ability that allows them to vote? or secretly give their bond more votes?

I feel like the relevant does not need a buff. It is so hard to find the bond. Like you have no way to find the bond. The person bonded doesn’t even know the bond. Giving renevant more bonds would just allow the renevant to totally dominate the game and win like every time. I feel that the renevant is in a good place right now. The attacking a person a second time bypasses death immunity is strong enough itself. I totally disagree with a buff to the renevant

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I think giving it a vote would be perfect.

but if you do somehow manage to find the bond, it’s gg. people probably need a way to find the bond but they definitely need it to be less of a luck thing

Bad idea, the bond would be able to mechanically prove who they are then.

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If they find the bond I just use my soul bound.