FoL Feedback Thread



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You heard it here first kids

No take backs or Iā€™m unfriending you on MySpace

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I need to talk to Ici/Eevee first tho

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Ayyy congrats nuke

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Letā€™s ignore solic, he may be grumpy good idea

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Iā€™m ignoring Solic because heā€™s probably already seen it

just ban him for a day so he doesnā€™t complain tbh

Seems legit

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I mean thatā€™s what all good politicians do, bribe people to not tell the truth

I canā€™t ban mods


tell him he needs to ban himself since his account got hacked

Genius plan: tell Xblade that solic put a mint in Ashes butt

He will be banned for herassmint

Umm, no

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little too far

Well otherwise it wouldnā€™t be bannable

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