FoL Feedback Thread


Fuck it Iā€™m in with that pitch

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See? Iā€™m a great politician

This is the worst pun

I take back my vote


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Why not me? I donā€™t usually make classes but when I do, it ainā€™t run-of-the-mill suggestions.

Orangeā€™s recent accepted class is based on my work after all, the foundation is there.

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Iā€™ll run through candidates with the rest of the FoL team.

You arenā€™t completely out of my mind as a candidate

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pulls out a cigarette Iā€™m technically there as well. Technically.

I like the new priest tbh

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Ayy. One of my mechanics made it in.

Well, sort of one of my mechanics. It stemmed from an idea of mine anyway.

Which one?

This one;

Thatā€™s hardly something you were the first to suggest.

who suggested it first

Gravekeeper has been an idea for a long time.
Iā€™m not sure who first suggested it tbh.

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(Yeah but the original priest idea you came up with was basically Luchador from FWF, and this shares an element with it)

Also I had no idea about gravekeepers when I made the Luchador class.

Welp if you donā€™t know who suggested it I have proof blue is the last person who was proven to suggest it soā€¦

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