FoL Feedback Thread

Yes he is he keeps changing my title

make fool to be announced at start
they are like king chance to be good or evil
if they are lynched they give buff to their faction

Heā€™s removing The Fool

If so I erased it from my memory

Wouldnā€™t be surprised though

Wrong title

this is best we should totally do this

If you mean their identity is announced

Thatā€™s awful

thats the point


Policy execute fool n2 every time

or CS

they can be evil and give evils buff

but if you kill fool of your own faction at night you get debuff

i think this thread has reached critical mass
soon it will spiral off, crash into the Cookie thread and become fused into one giant ball of everybody complaining about everything, like a Katimari of Criticism


Foolus deletus


geydus deletus

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Yes please

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See the thing here is everyone advocating for this for example Gamer Doesnā€™t really know the depth of forum mafia.

Letā€™s say that they did. Guarantee you their opinion would change. People used to love playing as mafia when they start out but as they get better at reading people they love being town. The fool is exactly the same way

In the hypothetical scenario that fool is deleted, will it be replaced with something else?

it will be replaced with orangeandblack5 playing on this site :^)


too OP plz nerf

Orangeandblack5, a neutral social with the wincon to kill every single player that says fool during the game

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