FoL Feedback Thread


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This is legal as people used to run fol that said spiritualist couldnā€™t be rolled

You say you want to remove fool but you actually want to keep it And are just pushing your agenda to destroy forum


I asked you to stop like half an hour ago

We established that we were using this thread for on topic FoL discussion for what could be changed and etc

What Iā€™m seeing is that somebody completely ignored what we said yesterday

Youre not even denying that you want to destroy Forum I called you out for obviously pushing your agenda And you cant answer it

this is literally fol related

go back to sleep mod you arenā€™t the same when you are hungry

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we should probably set another global rule

Iā€™m going to think about how to solve this mess. Iā€™ll hopefully come up with a decision that doesnā€™t involve the hammer

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ā€œNo baiting people or harassing them if asked to stopā€

what mess

Thatā€™s already a rule

Weird it must be in the same rule category as not harassing staff since those are the rules never enforced

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the longer you go without punishing someone for something bad the more they think they can get away with it

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Stop posting youre baiting me by doing that

no u

I used no u in self defense

Now We have evidence to ban firekitten