FoL Feedback Thread

You posted after I asked you not to post since Its baiting me



Both of you can it

Geyde do it


I’m defending myself

I am defending this world from evil if you disagree youre objectivly evil

Geyde do you realize what point I’m proving right now?


That youre evil

can yall just stop, like this is pointless

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Cool I’ll stop. I’ll stop when the mod says they will punish people who actually do this stuff. It’s really annoying for hjaisk to keep doing this stuff so you have to show how stupid it is for people to not do anything about it.

@Emilia no u

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No u

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Now that I think about it this is a really weird position to be in

Breaking the law so people start enforcing it

Can anyone send or link to that template used to make the class cards. I have an idea for a fool rework that might work with its current problems. but knowing me is prob imbalanced and prob not gonna fix the problem with fool but who cares Im just kinda in the mood to try and help in this situation of trying to remove/fix fool


What the actual fuck