FoL Feedback Thread

Would you just choose 2 targets with maid’s matchmake? Or would the same rules apply?

I’m figuring that out

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I’m extremely late so I have no idea if you decided against this or for it.

But that’s extremely fucking stupid, no offence.

We didn’t do anything with it

Okay good.

Can you like say why… lol.

Scorned only has to get one mislynch to win, and that’s a problem.

How to address problem:
ToL Scorned

Isn’t it obvious?

It makes Fool stupid and unfair. Basically, Day 2 they’re like “Mwahahah! Exe me!” And then Day 3 they are trying to plead for their lives. It makes it basically obvious that they are Fool and they will be executed on a day they will not win on.

Also Fool’s wincon is fine already, it’s Fool itself, that’s the problem.

The Scorned is a easier Devil that shouldn’t exist.

Devil has a harder chance than the Scorned of winning, the Scorned needs 1 mislynch, the Devil needs 3.

If you’re an obvious Fool, you don’t deserve to win.


That’s the point?
They would need to be more tactful instead of trying to strictly look as scummy as possible.

That Fool idea makes it into an obvious Fool.

No, it makes it harder not to look like an obvious Fool. Fool is too easy, so it should be made harder.

Lets have scorned Who have themself as target

That should not be the point. It would make Fool unfun and feel useless on days it can’t win.

Well yes, as much as I would love it (considering in FoL 19, a Fool got executed straight away), The wincon should not be changed. The Fool needs an actual negative for being executed, as of right now if a Fool just outs as a Fool and get’s executed, it wastes that current day trial. Pointless.

So one day, they are trying to look sus but not look sus at the same time, the next day they are just acting normal and not accusing anyone.

Are you okay with removing fool to add that change?

Honestly. Fool should be removed.

I don’t want to say how many times I’ve re-rolled in it G! Turbo’s.

They have to plan around their win condition as to not fuck themselves over for going all in too early.

But yeah Fool isn’t great for the game
