FoL Feedback Thread

Totally legit changelog

Fool removed
Scorned now has itself as a target. Only itself btw


But, the problem is.
Without a Fool, the only thing people are scared about accusing for is Hunterā€™s Arrow.
This is directly one of the problems that happened in ToL when Hunterā€™s Arrow was removed but the other way around.

Not like it really matters, no one is scared of a Fool here as it has no negative whatsoever.

but now we have Scorned as the new Fool, it wins once it is executed.

aaaaa weā€™ve gone in a loop.

If someone is scummy they get lynched.
You shouldnā€™t be mechanically afraid to accuse people

Well the thing that fools add is that evils cant go for most low hanging fruit And have To actualmy think

Also, quick question that is not in this conversation at all.

Why the fricc does this still exist? (Mindbend)

I get your thought process, but realistically speaking by accusing you are already putting yourself in a vulnerable position.

Because shit

Mindbend (Night) - Give a target feedback of your choice. This does not replace their feedback if they had any. This may either be done immediately or resolving at the end of the night.

Easy Fix:

  • Delete Fool.
  • Add a negative with executions to a class, like Scorned or something.

Now this.

This is beautiful.


But can be OP.

You have been converted into unseen

Because I love people getting punished for executing players
Honestly because I like the threat other than just killing a Blue Dragon when you execute someone.

Your new classcard:

Unseen mayor

tfw doesnā€™t work because of scumchat existing

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@Solic @Alice

What Feedback can you fake tho

Anything that exists.

Most ā€œuseful onesā€:

Mystic Link / Conduit
Prince Jail
Redirection (can skew invest results)
Phylactery Holder
Telling them they are dead