FoL Feedback Thread

Oh 3, not impossible

The Fool :shield:

Neutral Social

Second Chance (Passive) - Immune to death at night, once.
Informant (Day) - You learn the faction of your target at the end of the day. - 1 use
Frame (Night) - Make a target appear to be a member of the scum faction (Unseen or Cult) to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Trickery (Night) - If the target player is executed tomorrow, they will appear to be a chosen class. - 2 uses
See three Blue Dragon players executed, or survive to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

The Scorned :shield:

Neutral Social

Second Chance (Passive) - Immune to death at night, once.
Informant (Day) - You learn the faction of your target at the end of the day. - 1 use
Frame (Night) - Make a target appear to be a member of the scum faction (Unseen or Cult) to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Trickery (Night) - If the target player is executed tomorrow, they will appear to be a chosen class. - 2 uses
See three Blue Dragon players executed, or survive to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

@NuclearBurrito weren’t you going to work on a neutral
or did I misremember

The Good King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Special

Can’t Touch This (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. You will know if someone tries to occupy you or change your target.
Lurking Presence (Passive) - If you are killed within the first 3 nights your next in line will take your place as Mastermind, and you do not appear as Unseen to all investigations for those nights.
Dirty Work (Day) If there are no more Unseen members left, you can become The Assassin at the beginning of the night. - 1 use
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Foresight (Night) - Determine a player’s converted class type, or if they cannot be converted. - 4 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

oh god oh fuck

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Why am I the only one thinking warlock is somewhat a little underpowered

like limited use abilities and no unlimited ability

poor warlock

Cuz you died as it N1

then it got buffed

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Rampage is busted
Can find evils easily
Redirect is super applicable to a lot of situations
It can double tailor

SS is the underpowered one

Rampage causes it to out itself it’s not busted at all wtf.

how about unlimited redirects but if warlock uses rampage it disables all its other abilities

That would be debuff

Redirect is the one that I want buffed :slight_smile:

Scum lack ways to get around walls.
It forces them to out yeah but it can change the gamestate

while causing it to out

I don’t think you realize how significant that is

Games dont Usually go beyond N4 anyways

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I’m comparing it to SS here.