FoL Feedback Thread

The Random BD / Random Non-NK neut slot is half bd, correct

You asked How Its different from neuts that are full neuts but there arent full neuts only those that are half BD

If in theory a neut was not 50% BD how would that be different from a neut that was 50% BD

Neut cant be not 50% BD Cuz then it wouldnt be neut

Iā€™ve been thinking, what grounds with neuts havenā€™t been covered but are also still interesting?

and ofc balanced so no survivors

Yes they can. I could create a mafia faction and name that faction ā€œNeutralā€

I am talking about their soul not name

Ngl, I thought you were joking when you first pointed me to it. Itā€™s basically making it another Devil. It almost strictly is not going to go for executing itself, because it wonā€™t be alive to enforce its win condition, so I donā€™t support it. Itā€™s too much of a farcry of the original.

Neutral is just a label we attach to the faction portion of classes. It is only meaningful in how it interacts with the mechanics

Souls donā€™t have factions

The only instance of souls in this game is the reaper. And he doesnā€™t have any special interactions depending on the faction of the reaped player

(Wait do we still have the Soulcatcher?)

Anti-King neut sounds interesting, but doesnā€™t really seem impactful enough.
Thinking about it now Strigoi is like a mercenary that needs to choose their own targets as the game goes on. Possibly no.
Anti-claiming neut (like Headhunter / Inq) sounds interesting, but maybe itā€™s too easy? Iā€™d be open to making that a debate.

What if we merged Devil/Scorned to make room for this objectively cooler neut?

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We have the Soulcatcher, but no soul mechanics.

Every class has aspect of BDness Its seen in everything that they act in their play evil factions reprisent 0% of BDness but Its still there as 0% its pholosphical concept that is hard to measure in our cosmological reality We can observe that BD express 100% BDness regardless of player playing them even if We cant measure objectivly that philosphical concept in reality full of sceptisism We can surely say that neuts have aspect of BDness Its in their soul And Expression that they give out that is not similar to almost lack of it as We can observer in evils surely We can state that theyre half BD due to having that aspect of BDness with them saying someone doesnt have aspect of BDness is saying like That class doesnt have soul However We can measure that should in aspect of BD in neuts as half And Thats a fact

Not how factions work


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But first, we need to talk about parallel universes


Yes We measure factions by aspect of BDness arguing against that is like arguing against fact And reality