FoL Feedback Thread

Then I don’t see the purpose of this one in particular and it shouldn’t replace Fool.

Faction is just the name of a property that all classes have.

Some classes have abilities that use faction as an input. Possible faction inputs are BD, Neut, Cult or Unseen.

BD, Cult and Unseen all have the same wincon as other instances of the same faction while neuts all have an individual wincon.

Anything else regarding factions is mechanically meaningless


Fool too easy (Jester fundamentally flawed)
Scorned too easy


We add cool neut that emulates a lot of Fool’s traits while also developing into new design space.
We merge devil/scorned making wincon harder but keeping the cool stuff about Scorned


I don’t think Scorned is too easy. Fool might be too easy, but the solution is not to just completely get rid of its main identity, trying to lynch itself. You also get rid of evils always having a backup claim to fall back too, which I heavily dislike.

Trying to lynch itself isn’t an identity. It’s a wincon.
You can’t make this same argument when you say that Merc changing wincons is fine

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Also you SHOULD get rid of all evils having a backup claim

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They have this as a backup claim for when they flip scum.
It still has flip shenanigans

Literally how

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Yes, I can, and I just did. :smile: Mercenary protects their contracts and they still do that.

Fool creates chaos and tries to distract town from evils.


While fool acts as a smokescreen and still does that

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Wich is measured by aspect of BDness

Thats Where BDness pops in We can see that all of them Use some prevent of BDness When we dig futher in we can notice How they Express particular part of their aspect for example blue dragons Express 100% of blue dragonness And cult unseen 0% but Its still there in form of 0% while neutrals Express 50% Thats just How our curreny reality is of course We can imagine for them to Express different about of that aspect but that would be Too complex for us to comprehend much like fourth dimension

Yes Thats Why We measure them by aspect of BDness

We are talking about philosophy So dont Bring that in either way BDness plays big role in Well being of classes

“Look at me instead of the scum” is how Fool would play here.
It’s keeping the same style of play, just changing wincon and balance to be more fair and balanced.

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If you need to fall back on a Fool claim, you deserve death.

You have played in a manner so objectively terribly that your only recourse is to pray that people believe you were that awful on purpose.

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No. You are talking about philosophy in a discussion about game mechanics. Just because you are rambling about some irrelevant concepts doesn’t make you right in any way that is meaningful to improving the design of this game

On the note of actual changes,

Little Bird buffed:

The Observer

Little Bird (Day) - Send a bird to track if target player leaves their room that night or not. In addition, you will learn if any players visited target player or not. You will be told the next morning. - 2 uses

The Nightwatch

Little Bird (Day) - Send a bird to track if target player leaves their room that night or not. In addition, you will learn if any players visited target player or not. You will be told the next morning. - 2 uses

Possible Feedback:

“Your target did not leave their room last night and noone visited them!”
“Your target did not leave their room last night and at least one person visited them!”
“Your target left their room last night and noone visited them!”
“Your target left their room last night and at least one person visited them!”

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Aspect of BDness has causation And correllation to mechanics We can both observe And prove that Its just part of How game works

Every single person who hates Fool vs Solic every time we try to remove Fool

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Why was this needed? Genuinely confused because I wasn’t aware Observer was in need of a change

Because Observer was likely too nerfed in splitting tracking/watching and it fell behind other investigatives.